This repository includes documentation and examples for integrating WebSphere Application Server Classic/Liberty with Apache ActiveMQ Artemis
Warning: A lot of time has passed since this project was created. Jboss logging and activemq-artemis have been patched in recent versions. While I have not tested, I would expect that commons-beansutils version has been replaced in WebSphere.
Websphere Application Server Classic has severe classloading issues. This chapter describes how these issues have been dealt with
Issue: getPackage() returns null in classes loaded inside a resource adapter
- Fix: LoggerProvider in jboss-logging has been patched (1 line)
- Fix: ActiveMQRALogger in artemis-ra has been patched (1 line)
Issue: apache-commons inside resource adapter breaks admin console (Why!)
- Fix: PropertyUtils in apache-commons has been patched to include required methods
Dependencies have to be built before building the resource adapter
- Clone and build patched jboss-logging from 3.3.1-NPE branch
- Clone and build patched artemis-ra from 2.4.0-NPE branch
- Clone and build patched apache-commons from 1.9.3-IBM branch
- Clone and build this resource adapter
WebSphere Liberty configuration is done using server.xml.
- Create a copy of .rar on your server
- Specify resource adapter in server.xml
- Create connection factory (if required) in server.xml
- Create activation specification (if required) in server.xml
<resourceAdapter autoStart="true" id="artemis" location="${shared.resource.dir}/artemis/websphere-artemis-rar-">
<properties.artemis connectionParameters="host=localhost;port=61616"/>
<connectionFactory id="ArtemisCF" jndiName="jms/myCF">
<connectionManager agedTimeout="60m" connectionTimeout="30s" maxIdleTime="30m" maxPoolSize="10" reapTime="3m"/>
<jmsActivationSpec id="my-application-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/ConsumerBean">
<properties.artemis clientID="MyClient" destination="MyTopic" destinationType="javax.jms.Topic" shareSubscriptions="true" subscriptionDurability="Durable" subscriptionName="MySubscription" useJndi="false"/>
<logging traceSpecification="*=info:org.apache.activemq.artemis.*=all"/>
WebSphere Application Server configuration can be done using scripts or admin console.
- Install resource adapter using scripts / admin console
- Create an authentication alias (mandatory)
- Create a connection factory (if required)
- Create an activation specification (if required)