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This repository includes documentation and examples for integrating WebSphere Application Server Classic/Liberty with Apache ActiveMQ Artemis

Warning: A lot of time has passed since this project was created. Jboss logging and activemq-artemis have been patched in recent versions. While I have not tested, I would expect that commons-beansutils version has been replaced in WebSphere.

WebSphere Application Server Classic Issues

Websphere Application Server Classic has severe classloading issues. This chapter describes how these issues have been dealt with

Issue: getPackage() returns null in classes loaded inside a resource adapter

  • Fix: LoggerProvider in jboss-logging has been patched (1 line)
  • Fix: ActiveMQRALogger in artemis-ra has been patched (1 line)

Issue: apache-commons inside resource adapter breaks admin console (Why!)

  • Fix: PropertyUtils in apache-commons has been patched to include required methods

Building artifact

Dependencies have to be built before building the resource adapter


  1. Clone and build patched jboss-logging from 3.3.1-NPE branch
  2. Clone and build patched artemis-ra from 2.4.0-NPE branch
  3. Clone and build patched apache-commons from 1.9.3-IBM branch
  4. Clone and build this resource adapter

Configuring servers

Websphere Liberty

WebSphere Liberty configuration is done using server.xml.


  1. Create a copy of .rar on your server
  2. Specify resource adapter in server.xml
  3. Create connection factory (if required) in server.xml
  4. Create activation specification (if required) in server.xml

server.xml: Resource adapter

<resourceAdapter autoStart="true" id="artemis" location="${shared.resource.dir}/artemis/websphere-artemis-rar-">
    <properties.artemis connectionParameters="host=localhost;port=61616"/>

server.xml: Connection factory

<connectionFactory id="ArtemisCF" jndiName="jms/myCF">
    <connectionManager agedTimeout="60m" connectionTimeout="30s" maxIdleTime="30m" maxPoolSize="10" reapTime="3m"/>

server.xml: Activation specification

<jmsActivationSpec id="my-application-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/ConsumerBean">
    <properties.artemis clientID="MyClient" destination="MyTopic" destinationType="javax.jms.Topic" shareSubscriptions="true" subscriptionDurability="Durable" subscriptionName="MySubscription" useJndi="false"/>

server.xml: Trace logging

<logging traceSpecification="*=info:org.apache.activemq.artemis.*=all"/>

WebSphere Application Server Classic

WebSphere Application Server configuration can be done using scripts or admin console.


  1. Install resource adapter using scripts / admin console
  2. Create an authentication alias (mandatory)
  3. Create a connection factory (if required)
  4. Create an activation specification (if required)