roslaunch manipulation.launch
Which does does the following:
#TODO needs testing: does the finger action server work in sim?
- load the planning context Load the URDF, SRDF and other .yaml configuration files on the param server
- fake joint state publisher We do not have a robot connected, so publish fake joint states
- Robot state publisher Given the published joint states, publish tf for the robot links
- launch rviz With manipulation_config.rviz as the coniguration file
- Launch the kinova_driver node to control the arm.
roslaunch kinova_bringup kinova_robot.launch kinova_robotType:=j2s7s300 /joint_states:=/j2s7s300_driver/out/joint_state
- run rviz with manipulation.launch.
rosrun rviz rviz
- Load extra drivers for fingers and moveit.
roslaunch j2s7s300_moveit_config j2s7s300_demo.launch /joint_states:=/j2s7s300_driver/out/joint_state
Which loads the following:
- move_group node, with controllers, defined in #TODO fill this in/config/controllers.yaml
- joint_trajectory_action_server node available in kinova_driver
- gripper_command_action_server node available in kinova_driver
- rviz
rosrun jaco_manipulation /joint_states:=/j2s7s300_driver/out/joint_state
roslaunch jaco_manipulation ar_track_alavar.launch
- launch AR tracker indigo branch of ar_track_alvar
- launch kinect bridge iai_kinect2 from
- calibrate the kinect using
- this requries ar_tracker_6 be placed right below the robot
#TODO Point clouds are only published when the launch file is used. Run roslaunch kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge.launch
for debugging kinect connection issues:
While bridge is running, run the following to view the camera
rosrun kinect2_viewer kinect2_viewer hd image
A ros independent way to check kinect drivers is by running
from the home directory
rosrun jaco_manipulation /joint_states:=/j2s7s300_driver/out/joint_state
Requires the following to be loaded:
- AR Trackers
- MoveIt!
- Bringup
#TODO test if this works in sim
#TODO need more documentation here
src containst the following:
- ar_track_alvar
- autolab_core
- iai_kinect2
- jaco_manipulation
- kinova-ros
- perception