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Gaerzi edited this page Jun 3, 2015 · 7 revisions

Unix Compilation
Gives a basic overview of what is required to compile SLADE on Unix systems.

Ubuntu Step-by-Step Compilation
Gives a simple step-by-step method of setting up and compiling SLADE in Ubuntu. This method will probably also work in other linux distributions using the Debian apt-get package system. It is probably worthwhile to look through if you are having trouble getting SLADE or some of the libraries to compile in any linux system.

Windows Compilation
Gives a basic overview of what is required to compile SLADE on Windows.

Windows Step By Step Compilation
Similarly to the Ubuntu guide above, gives simple step-by-step instructions on how to compile SLADE in Windows using Visual Studio Express 2013.

Mac OS X Homebrew Compilation & Installation
Step-by-step instructions on how to compile and install SLADE in Mac OS X using the Homebrew package manager.

Latest Release: 3.2.4

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