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Supported Data Formats

Jordon Moss edited this page Aug 26, 2015 · 10 revisions

SLADE 3 supports the following data formats:


Note that embedded archives are supported, with no hard limit on nesting recursion.


  • Doom format
  • Hexen format
  • Doom 64 format
  • UDMF


If a format is specified to have full support, it means that it is possible to convert a picture into this format. Other formats are merely displayed.

  • Doom picture format, including tall patches. (Full support)
  • Doom flat and other raw data pictures of known dimension. (Full support)
  • All Doom alpha and press release beta image formats: gnums, sneas, raw data and header, alpha and beta patches.
  • PNG, including grAb and alPh chunks. (Full support)
  • GIF.
  • JPEG.
  • BMP.
  • TGA.
  • PCX.
  • TIFF.
  • Shadowcaster/CyClones flats, textures, HUD graphics and sprites.
  • Amulets & Armor MipImage textures and UI graphics.
  • Quake HUD pictures (also used by Doom Legacy), textures and sprites.
  • Quake II "wal" textures.
  • Heretic II mipmapped images (.m8)
  • Half-Life textures.
  • Build engine art tiles (.art)
  • Wolfenstein 3D textures, graphics and sprites.
  • Rise of the Triad textures, graphics and sprites (except translucent textures).
  • IMGZ.
  • Planar graphics (used by Hexen for its startup screen, full support).


Fonts are at the moment treated as graphics composited from all their characters.


A Doom texture is composited from several patches which are typically in the standard picture format.



At the moment, model support is limited to identifying the formats.

Mesh models

  • DMD
  • MD2
  • MD3

Voxel models

  • VOX
  • KVX

Latest Release: 3.2.4

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