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Build FieldWorks

Hasso edited this page May 20, 2022 · 4 revisions

Note: This page contains a lot of outdated documentation from before 2016, but may still be of use. And it would still be okay to update, correct, and add to this page.

These are instructions to build FieldWorks on Linux. To download and run FieldWorks on Linux (rather than compiling it yourself), see FieldWorks Testing Instructions.

For information about building FieldWorks for Mac, see Build FieldWorks for Mac.

To set up a machine to develop FieldWorks, and run a script that does many of the instructions on this page, see Set up new FieldWorks development workstation.

Table of Contents


  • FieldWorks is regularly built and developed on Ubuntu and Debian Linux, and these instructions are written for users of these distributions to build FieldWorks. Ubuntu 12.04 and Debian 7.0 are known to work.
  • A VCS account is only required for write-access to the repository. An anonymous login can be used for read-only access.
  • These instructions are written for users who are reasonably comfortable using the command-line.

Install and build dependencies

For Ubuntu, you may need to enable Universe and Multiverse in your software sources (eg via Settings \u2023 Repositories in Synaptic).

In Ubuntu or Debian, install dependencies:

 # Add SIL testing repository. If using Debian, use something like testing main contrib non-free
 $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc)              main restricted universe multiverse"
 $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc)-experimental main restricted universe multiverse"
 $ sudo apt-get update
 $ sudo apt-get install \
  build-essential automake \
  uuid-dev libenchant-dev xutils-dev happycoders-libsocket \
  libboost-dev libboost-test-dev libmagick++-dev libxklavier-dev \
  libgraphite-dev unixodbc-dev libgtkmm-2.4-dev \
  mono-gmcs mono-devel gtk-sharp2 \
  git git-flow git-gui \
  openjdk-6-jre \
  unzip gawk tofrodos \
  ttf-mscorefonts-installer fonts-sil-charis \
  xvfb xserver-xephyr metacity \
  ibus \
  geckofx xulrunner-geckofx


Follow instructions to Register with services, Request Permissions, and Upload ssh key. Do not answer the "Gerrit username" question from the below fwmeta/initrepo script until you have completed these steps.

Check out from VCS

See further explanation at Getting the git repos. You need the following repos: FieldWorks FwSampleProjects mono mono-basic gtk-sharp libgdiplus libcom

 $ cd ~
 $ git clone fwrepo
 $ cd fwrepo
 fwrepo$ fwmeta/initrepo
 fwrepo$ cd fw

Your FieldWorks code is in ~/fwrepo/fw .

Install more needed packages:

 cd "$HOME/fwrepo/fw/Build/Agent"


Currently, to build and run FieldWorks requires a special version of mono. So you will need to build and install mono from source.



  1. Please keep in mind that Linux is case sensitive.
  2. It's safer to copy-paste commands than try to retype them.
  3. All of the following commands assume your current directory is fwrepo/fw.

To build FieldWorks without running tests

Ensure you are in the FieldWorks repo directory:

 $ cd ~/fwrepo/fw

Run the build:

 fwrepo/fw$ (. environ && cd Build && xbuild /t:refreshTargets && xbuild)

If you wish to save a copy of the build output, eg to send to someone else, you can pipe the output through tee:

 fwrepo/fw$ (. environ && cd Build && xbuild /t:refreshTargets && xbuild) |& tee build.out

However, xbuild helpfully summarizes any errors at the end of its run, so you can usually just copy the relevant lines directly from the terminal window.

Piping through tee loses the nice text coloring that xbuild provides, so if you want to retain this and still have a copy of the output, you can use the script utility:

 fwrepo/fw$ script -ec '. environ && cd Build && xbuild /t:refreshTargets && xbuild'

The output will be saved in a file called typescript. (See man script for how to change this.)

Since script saves an exact copy of the output, including the control sequences used to produce colored and bolded text, this style of output is not so helpful for sending to someone else. For this purpose, tee is better.

To build FieldWorks with tests

If you are doing actual development, ie making changes to the code, it's highly recommended that you run the full suite of unit tests as these will catch a wide range of possible errors. However, this requires a more complex method for running the build since many of the tests perform GUI operations. Without extra set-up, not only is this extremely inconvenient to your use of the computer while the tests are running, it also produces incorrect results due to minor differences in GUI environments.

The set-up involves running the build process in a virtual GUI environment created using the Xephyr utility:

(Note: Don't forget the & symbol at the end of some lines.)

 fw$ Xephyr :2 -screen 1024x768 &    ''# Then press Control-C to make it clear that you still have a prompt''
 fw$ export DISPLAY=:2 AssertUiEnabled=false
 fw$ metacity &
 fw$ . environ
 fw$ cd Build
 fw/Build$ xbuild /t:refreshTargets
 fw/Build$ xbuild /property:action=test

(Without setting AssertUiEnabled to false when running the tests, if an assertion fails the message box will pause the build waiting for the user.)

On subsequent builds, only the last command (xbuild /property:action=test) needs to be re-run. However, if you closed the Xephyr window, open a new terminal window/tab and re-run all the commands.

For instructions on how to run specific tests for the purpose of debugging them, see the section on "Unit Tests" below.

To see a test report after a build, open Output/Debug/NUnit-report.html in a browser:

 fwrepo/fw$ firefox Output/Debug/NUnit-report.html

(Note: this is generated by the mkall target and so is available only after a complete build.)

To generate a report for a specific test or project, use the NUnitReport.exe utility located in the Build directory.

Other build options

Extra parameters can be given to xbuild to customize the build, for example to build just a part of FieldWorks, or to run a subset of the tests.

The action parameter (specified with /property:action=\u2026) can be:

build \u2013 just build (the default)
test \u2013 run tests as well as build
clean \u2013 remove the build products
rebuild \u2013 clean followed by build

The target parameter (specified with /t:\u2026) can be any target defined in the build system, such as allCsharp, allCpp or XMLUtils. For some specific examples, see below.

Unit tests

When debugging and developing individual tests, it's not necessary to use a virtual GUI environment. This section gives instructions on how to run specific tests.


Managed unit tests can be run directly from within Monodevelop.

Managed unit tests can also be run by doing one of the following:

 fwrepo/fw$ Build/run-in-environ mono Bin/NUnit/bin/nunit.exe Output/Debug/''xWorks''Tests.dll
 fwrepo/fw$ Build/run-in-environ mono --debug Bin/NUnit/bin/nunit-console.exe Output/Debug/''xWorks''Tests.dll
 fwrepo/fw/Build$ ./build /t:''project''Tests /property:action=test

where project is something like LexTextExe or SimpleRootSite.

To run a specific test:

 export PROJ="''FwCoreDlgsTests''"
 export TEST="''SIL.FieldWorks.FwCoreDlgs.CharContextCtrlTests.GetTokenSubstrings_NoValidator''"
 cd ~/fwrepo/fw/Build && ./build /t:$PROJ
 cd ~/fwrepo/fw && Build/run-in-environ mono --debug Bin/NUnit/bin/nunit-console.exe Output/Debug/$PROJ.dll -run=$TEST

where PROJ is set to the project containing the test and TEST is set to the test to run.


Rebuild a library and tests:

 fwrepo/fw$ (. environ && cd Build && xbuild /t:testViews)

Run all tests in a library:

 fwrepo/fw$ (. environ && cd Output/Debug && ./testViews)

Run just one test in a library:

 fwrepo/fw$ (. environ && cd Output/Debug && ./testViews Notifier.DeleteAllParasWithDivs)

To see more information:

 fwrepo/fw$ (. environ && cd Output/Debug && ./testViews -v)

Debugging native code called from a managed unit test

In Linux

 fwrepo/fw$ . environ
 fwrepo/fw$ cd Output/Debug
 fwrepo/fw/Output/Debug$ gdb -silent --args /usr/local/bin/mono /usr/local/lib/mono/2.0/nunit-console.exe \
                                                ''FooTests.dll'' --run=''SIL.FieldWorks.Foo.Test''
 (gdb) b ''Program.cpp:1234''
 (gdb) r

In Windows

 Output\Debug>..\..\Bin\NUnit\bin\nunit.exe ''FooTests.dll''
  • Run the unit test to make sure it behaves as expected.
  • Open a new copy of Visual Studio. Choose Debug > Attach to Process. Click Select, click Debug these code types, and select Managed and Native. Click OK. In Available Processes, click nunit.exe and click Attach.
  • Choose File > Open > File to open Program.cpp, and set a breakpoint on the appropriate line.
  • Run the unit test again.


 fwrepo/fw/Output/Debug$ mono --profile --debug ../../Bin/NUnit/bin/nunit-console.exe \
   ''AssemblyContainingTest''.dll -run=''SIL.FieldWorks.FooNamespace.BazClassTests.BlahMethod_toTest''

More information about mono profiling can be found here.

Run FieldWorks

Run Language Explorer

  cd ~/fwrepo/fw
  Build/run-in-environ mono Output/Debug/FieldWorks.exe

View additional FieldWorks logging information by running this after launching FW or opening a FW project:

  tail -F /tmp/SIL/SIL\ FieldWorks/*

Running either application will bring up a dialog box so you can navigate to the sample data in DistFiles/ReleaseData.

If you want a blue sidebar in TE then run this, but be aware this is experimental:

 MONO_VISUAL_STYLES=gtkplus MONO_VISUAL_STYLE_COLOR_SCHEME=NormalColor MONO_THEME=VisualStyles mono FieldWorks.exe -app Flex

Build script

You may find it helpful to sometimes use the Continuous Integration server's build script. You may want to peek at the script first to make sure it will do what you want. To build FieldWorks using the CI's build script:

 fwrepo/fw$ ./


Running FieldWorks creates some data and config files that a developer may want to clean up to get back to a clean state. Those files include:

 ~/.mono/registry/CurrentUser/software/{santafe,scrchecks,sil,sil\ international}

Editing code

You may find it helpful to Install and use Monodevelop to edit the FieldWorks code.


  • If building FieldWorks produces the error message "TLB files are out of date. Please run 'nant idl'.", it may be that the infrastructure isn't updating some files, but it may be that your idhfiles file may need to be regenerated. You can try to fix the error by doing the following:
 fwrepo/fw$ mv Output_$(uname -m)/idhfiles{,-outOfWay}
 fwrepo/fw$ cd Bld && (pushd .. && . environ && popd && DISPLAY=:0 NAnt.exe checkTLBsUpToDate)
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