Releases: serguei-k/maya-math-nodes
v1.5.0 release delivers several new nodes as well as continued improvements to the math expression bindings.
Node Updates
- DebugLog node and its type variants is a passthrough node that will log the passed value to the script console for debugging
- MatrixFromDirection node can construct a rotation matrix from a direction and an up vectors
- MatrixFromRotation/Quaternion nodes expand the existing set of conversion operations
- Remap node and its type variants can remap a value from one range to another
- NotBool is a logical not operator for boolean values
- Smoothstep node will do a smoothstep interpolation of a value clamped between 0 and 1
- SelectCurve/Mesh/Surface nodes expand the existing set of selectors
Expression Updates
- Expressions now support a boolean type ('true', 'false')
- Default arguments support has been added to functions
- Logical nodes have been exposed to expressions through a set of new operators ('&', '|', '^', '!')
- Almost all nodes in the library now have appropriate function bindings in expressions
Happy Holidays!
1.4.0 is primarily a stability release that fixes some bugs in the expression language.
This release also introduces a new feature in expressions called cast functions, which are a better way to define constant complex types such as vectors, rotations, quaternions and matrices. The cast functions are just an overload for existing functions such as quat() and rot() that take constant numeric values. Additionally mat() and vec() functions have been added. Please see the documentation for more info.
Thank you!
The purpose of this release is to introduce the math nodes expression language Python package.
Expressions can be used to describe a series of mathematical operations inline, which can then be interpreted to generate a math node network for you.
For more details on the expression language and its usage please refer to the new User Documentation.
Note that while this version had limited production testing, since no new nodes were added in this release, it should be fine to deploy in production.
First release!
Initial set of math nodes is ready.
Please note that these nodes have had limited testing in production, use with caution and of course report any issues you find.