This library is deprecated. Please use Shift4 .NET Library.
If you don't already have SecurionPay account you can create it here.
To install SecurionPay, run the following command in the Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package SecurionPay
More info here
You can download the latest release from here.
SecurionPayGateway gateway = new SecurionPayGateway("sk_test_[YOUR_SECRET_KEY]");
ChargeRequest request = new ChargeRequest()
Amount = 499,
Currency = "EUR",
Card = new CardRequest()
Number = "4242424242424242",
ExpMonth = "11",
ExpYear = "2022"
Charge charge = await gateway.CreateCharge(request);
// do something with charge object - see
string chargeId = charge.Id;
catch (SecurionPayException e)
// handle error response - see
ErrorType errorType = e.Error.Type;
ErrorCode? errorCode = e.Error.Code;
string errorMessage = e.Error.Message;
For further information, please refer to our official documentation at