If you don't already have Shift4 account you can create it here.
To install Shift4, run the following command in the Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package Shift4
More info here
You can download the latest release from here.
Shift4Gateway gateway = new Shift4Gateway("sk_test_[YOUR_SECRET_KEY]");
ChargeRequest request = new ChargeRequest()
Amount = 499,
Currency = "EUR",
Card = new CardRequest()
Number = "4242424242424242",
ExpMonth = "11",
ExpYear = "2022"
Charge charge = await gateway.CreateCharge(request);
// do something with charge object - see https://dev.shift4.com/docs/api#charge-object
string chargeId = charge.Id;
catch (Shift4Exception e)
// handle error response - see https://dev.shift4.com/docs/api#error-object
ErrorType errorType = e.Error.Type;
ErrorCode? errorCode = e.Error.Code;
string errorMessage = e.Error.Message;
For further information, please refer to our official documentation at https://dev.shift4.com/docs.