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Upload application installation

Roberta Takenaka edited this page Sep 24, 2024 · 3 revisions

Translation: Lilian Calò, 04-Mar-2024 Update: Development team, 24-Set-2024

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  1. It is recommended that you create a new user group and a specific user for the applications. Do not use the root user to avoid permission problems.
  2. Create a (new) folder called upload.
mkdir upload 
  1. Access the link to check the latest release. E.g.: v2.3.6

  2. Open a terminal in the newly created folder and download the application upload from GitHub.

  1. Unzip the file
  1. After unzipping the file, a folder called scms-upload-v2.3.6 will be created

  2. Rename scms-upload-v2.3.6 to upload

mv scms-upload-2.3.6 upload
  1. Enter the upload folder that was created after the clone:
cd upload
  1. Make sure that the folder has the appropriate group and user and guarantee read, write, and execute permissions for the group and user.
sudo groupadd group
sudo chown -R user:group .
sudo chmod 775 -R .


E-mail service configuration

Create the file .envs/.production/.django, using as a model, and completing the variables in the EMAIL section

Database configuration

Create the file .envs/.production/.postgres, using as a model


Inside the upload folder, execute the following command to start the application using Docker and docker-compose, this command will upload the Upload application services:

docker login
make build compose=production.yml

Create tables in the database

Create the tables in the databases

make django_migrate compose=production.yml

Create user account for administrative area

Create the administrator user in the database:

make django_createsuperuser compose=production.yml

Initialize the application

make up compose=production.yml

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