Releases: sandialabs/slycat
Releases · sandialabs/slycat
Maine Coon
Change Log
v1.5.0 (2018-02-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update documentation to clarify security implications of docker port mapping #796
- Filter buttons should change color instead of darken on hover #788
- Create database interface for slycats backend #785
- Need to label images/videos with table index number #780
- Have the Server update the agent on model creation #761
- Add looping to pickle file transfer #759
- Timeseries directory reformatting #756
- Update travis build to use docker image and or script #753
- Create docker hpc agent from interface #751
- Remove model progress widget in navbar #734
- Remove web socket #732
- Improve filtering performance #731
- Add capability to include NULL valued runs in filtered scatterplot #730
- Build updated docker image #729
- Create API for updating model attributes #727
- needs x axis selection in the wizard #723
- add logger to the agent code #721
- Update web server config and symlink it inside Docker images #719
- Drop seconds field in timeseries wizard #717
- Throw parsing error for invalid Timeseries CSV #716
- Remove redundant Timeseries Column Name text field #715
- Add progress to file uploads #712
- Multiple File Select in Local Browser #710
- Select HDF5 Directory - Need feedback when to stop #701
- Labels in Timeseries Parameter Tab need work #700
- Add a rainbow on white background color map #692
- Add ability to sync videos #687
- Save movie frame number as part of bookmark #685
- Color waveforms by strings #684
- Remote browser should only restore path specific to a tab in a specific wizard #676
- Add metagroup access control to projects #673
- Add flag to file browser for limited list return #671
- Create timeseries util #670
- Provide better feedback in remote browser #669
- Improve usability of remote browser path input field #667
- Improve time series wizard UI #666
- Upgrade to current version of ffmpeg #663
- Change button label from "Waveform Color" to "Line Color" #654
- Rename a saved bookmark #652
- Add MD5 hash for files on remote servers #649
- Add Kriging model #641
- Add toggel for hover over images and videos #640
- Add video looping toggle #639
- Add a slycat multiprocessor queue for the cache #635
- Save ssh session with slycat sessions #633
- Improve checkjob routine #632
- Evaluate waveform drawing order in different circumstances #631
- Troubleshooting login info window #630
- Investigate option to save model computation progress #629
- Filter slider knobs should be blue #627
- Re-work server cache #624
- Update .slycatrc file with values from wizards #622
- Convert Timeseries Model to Canvas #618
- Tie bookmarks back to their model sources in the dropdown #616
- Speedup Timeseries Model #613
- Dendrogram breaks down for 10K runs #611
- Server analytics #610
- SLURM interface improvements #595
- Model Name Component #593
- Add support for .ply and .vrml for the 3D model viewer #589
- Add support for PLY and VRML file formats #576
- Populate slycat info mailing list #555
- Amend all logging calls to differentiate between [info] and [error] #554
- Add axis indicator to STL model #532
- Investigate and ameliorate the STL model mouse control #531
- allow cherrypy log level to be set from config file #504
- Don't require relogin for bookmark on same model #500
- Create EOS model #486
- Improve performance statistics display for 3D viewer #471
- Upgrade to a newer version of cherrypy #444
- Timeseries Model Ingestion Wizard #436
- Remove GET Model Table XXXXX API. #433
- Create a knockout-based virtual grid component. #329
- Retrieve remote data slices using slycat-agent. #309
- Remove GET Model Array Attribute Chunk. #174
Fixed bugs:
- timeseries not building past final wizard tab #801
- Data table download does not correctly escape special characters #800
- Selection breaks in models with a lot of missing cell values #799
- RETURN key removes proj admin during project membership edit #798
- STL pin size too large #795
- STL viewer has problems with footer controls #794
- Slider endpoint values are under adjacent button values (Chrome & Firefox on windows) #793
- Visibility coloration in table wrong for rows with Nans #792
- Slider endpoint threshold values don't match endpoint labels #791
- CSV with empty column loses rest of table #779
- Delete project button visible to non-administrators #778
- add proper access to the model for adding parameters in timeseries #775
- retry counter in timesereis never gets decremented #774
- timesereies should put paramters into the database #773
- time sereis loop logic should have proper stop event #772
- fix unreachable code in the timeseries checkjob_thread function #771
- The try/except clause around pickel is too broad #770
- timeseries databases are passed to too many functions #769
- directory.type is no the correct name for the engine [#768](https://gi...
Back button release
Change Log
Implemented enhancements:
- Add info button to model page to access Matt's model stats #612
- Round Points in CCA model draw slowly #609
- update docs for new api end points #601
- Integrate Timeseries agent function with Slycat packages #597
- Remove Results tab from model creation wizards #585
- Add back button to enable changing CSV file in wizard during ingestion #584
- User must redo data ingestion to change variable types/attributes #574
- Missing values in numeric columns force string-type on input #573
- Create an open source docker script #569
- Add easy setup guide in the for slycat #543
Fixed bugs:
- Image/movie scaling in the vertical direction wrong during pinning (Firefox and Chrome on Windows 7) #605
- Movie behavior different than images when pinning (Firefox and Chrome on Windows 7) #604
- Some table column headers not displayed on hover (Firefox only, Windows 7) #603
- Remove time series columns from image selection drop down list #598
- GET Model Arrayset Data breaks with large categorical filters #596
- Scientific Notation not supported in hyperchunk query language #591
- Parameter Space model throws JS error on load #588
- Getting file not found instead of permission denied error #580
- Waveform Color selection fails to change legend #579
- Pinned Images lost once filtered out (Firefox and Chrome on Windows 7) #578
- Colors in table are inaccurate and don't match waveforms or dendrogram sparklines #567
Closed issues:
- Can't bring video above another video or image by clicking on it #608
v1.3.0 (2016-02-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- Navigation bar is too crowded #575
- Add browser requirement checks #563
- Prevent caching for back button on browsers #558
- Add ipyparallel python package to developer docker image #552
- Custom Authentication #549
- Build login page #548
Fixed bugs:
- STL viewer breaks table header in PS model #577
- Single quotes ' in project name breaks everything else down the line #570
- Multiple copies of the same model listed (Windows 7, Firefox only) #566
- Bookmark corrupted during image pin (Windows 7, Firefox and Chrome) #565
- /slycat/packages/slycat/web/client/ needs to be updated for new login configuration #564
- Time out on login doesn't go to login page #561
- undefined value in param image rest call #556
- SLURM popup form Firefox issue #544
v1.2.0 (2015-12-08)
v1.1.0 (2014-05-21)
v1.0 (2013-07-12)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Change Log
Implemented enhancements:
- Navigation bar is too crowded #575
- Add browser requirement checks #563
- Prevent caching for back button on browsers #558
- Add ipyparallel python package to developer docker image #552
- Bring HAproxy to the latest version 1.6.2 #551
- Bring couch to the latest version 1.6.1 #550
- Custom Authentication #549
- Build login page #548
- Need logout mechanism #542
Fixed bugs:
- STL viewer breaks table header in PS model #577
- cherrypy redirect can't pass on ?bid=XXXXXXXXXX for login #571
- Single quotes ' in project name breaks everything else down the line #570
- Bookmark corrupted during image pin (Windows 7, Firefox and Chrome) #565
- /slycat/packages/slycat/web/client/ needs to be updated for new login configuration #564
- Time out on login doesn't go to login page #561
- Model names with an apostrophe create an error (Windows Firefox & Chrome) #559
- undefined value in param image rest call #556
- Table Column Sort Slow #545
- SLURM popup form Firefox issue #544
- Need logout mechanism #542
- Behave /features/steps/ tests are opening a connection incorrectly #541
- Make globally available on remote systems #539
- Issue with Slycat Agent distance matrix script #538
- Travis failing for unknown reason #526
- Sample timeseries creation script is broken #521
Closed issues:
- Gracefully handle corrupted bookmarks #572
- Expand the remote distance matrix computation to compute for all image columns #523
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Change Log
Implemented enhancements:
- SLURM interface improvement #535
- Change wording on CCA Select Columns page #530
- Video works on parameter space model but not parameter image model #527
- Enforce at least one output column for CCA #525
- Integrate email error reporting to the backend #515
- Change name of model from Parameter Image Plus to Parameter Image in Create drop down list #506
- Move the trashcan icon in bookmarks to left-side of label #505
- Create warning for CCA ingestion for columns defaulted to neither #501
- Go through behave tests and make sure they are valid/useful #498
- Apply newer shift-click variable selection interface to CCA rerun #497
- Replace POST Model Files API with New multipart-upload API #493
- Travis ci Failing codec_name check #490
- Default to remote for file browsing #484
- List all project bookmarks in bookmark drop down #479
- Integrate 3D viewer in the parameter space model #467
- Integrate an OpenJSCAD viewer #462
Fixed bugs:
- CCA table sorting loses selected row (Firefox & Chrome on Windows 7) #528
- When isStringAttribute is true byteorder needs to be removed for calls to GET Model Arrayset Data #514
- Travis failing with new file api upload change #513
- CCA error handling for too few rows #503
- Categorical filter buttons gone (Firefox and Chrome on Windows and OS X) #496
- Bring CentOS to the point that all the behave tests can be run in the container #492
- Travis ci Failing codec_name check #490
- Pin icon missing on hover image #482
- Delete associated bookmarks when deleting model #478
- Display performance statistics bug #475
- Image/3D viewer popups and modal z-index conflicts #474
- Image Hover Not Working (Firefox/Windows) #473
- Feed server can fail due to a race condition. #466
- Table ingestion UI allows categorical variables to be selected as inputs / outputs in CCA wizard. #465
- Geometry settings bug in Safari #463
- 3D viewer does not resize #461
Closed issues:
- Timeseries model using old APIs #537
- no longer works #536
- Styling missing on hidden rows that are also contain nulls #534
- Color coding by string column is broken #519
- String columns breaking axes and color legend #518
- Missing image in CCA #517
- import slycat.darray broken #516
- Selection broken when sorting by column with duplicate values #512
- Change model names in model listings to reflect current ones #507
- Scatterplot points unselectable when window is scrolled #495
- PI+ wizard needs status indicator when loading large files #481
- Hitting enter when creating a new project fails silently #472
- Remote browser needs to scroll to top when changing directories #459
v1.1.0 (2014-05-21)
v1.0 (2013-07-12)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Slycat 1.1.0
Since its original 1.0 release, Slycat has undergone some significant back- and front-end changes, including switching to HDF5 for our artifact storage and greatly improving our interactivity when working with large models.
Note that with this release we are formally adopting semantic versioning.