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Steven Nielson edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 3 revisions

Site Features

Photos (full CRUD) -Users should be able to view all posted photos. -Users should be able to create new posts. -Users should be able to update their posts. -Users should be able to delete their posts.

Albums (CRD) -Users should be able to view all albums on a user's profile. -Users should be able to create new albums and add/remove photos. -Users should be able to delete their albums.

Comments (Full CRUD) -Users should be able to view all comments on a Photo. -Users should be able to create new comments on a photo. -Users should be able to delete their comment from a photo. -Users should be able to update their comments.

Favorites (CRD) -Users should be able to see all photos they favorited. -Users should be able to favorite photos. -Users should be able to unfavorite photos.

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