Shutterscape is a clone of the photo-sharing website Flickr, which allows users to create photo posts, create photo albums of grouped photo posts, leave comments on photo posts, and mark desired posts as a "Favorite" to be stored in a collection on their user profile.
Try it here:
- Click on the Menu icon in the upper-right and select
Log In
- Click on the
Demo User
- Python
- Flask
- React.js
- Redux
- Docker
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Render
Shutterscape allows users to create photo posts, create photo albums of grouped photo posts, leave comments on photo posts, and mark desired posts as a "Favorite" to be stored in a collection on their user profile.
Each user is connected to these features by a User class that contains my_post_id
, my_album_id
, my_comment_id
, and my_fave_id
, which establishes database relationships to those corresponding tables.
Posts are filtered and randomized on the back-end using Python's random.sample()
function, ensuring a unique "Explore" experience for each user. All database query results are flattened in the Redux Reducer, making the access of photo posts, albums, comments, and favorites an O(1) time operation.
- Create / read / update / delete Photo Posts
- Create / read / update / delete Photo Albums
- Create / read / update / delete Comments on Photo Posts
- "Favorite" (and un-"Favorite") any Photo Post to be stored in your profile
- See Photo Posts and Comments from other users
- Search Bar
- User Profile customization
- Update profile photo
- Update banner photo
- Albums
- AllAlbums
- CreateAlbum
- DeleteAlbum
- AlbumPage
- Comments
- CreateComment
- DeleteComment
- UpdateComment
- Favorites
- Footer
- Home
- LoginFormModal
- SignupFormModal
- Navigation
- OpenModalButton
- Posts
- CreatePost
- DeletePost
- GetPost
- PostDetails
- UpdatePost
- UserBanner
- Download the repo
- Install the dependencies
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
- Create a .env with proper settings for your development environment. Make sure to include settings for your AWS Bucket, Key, and Secret Key!
- Open a terminal, migrate/seed your database, and run your Flask app
pipenv shell
flask db upgrade
flask seed all
flask run
- See the README file in the
directory to run the React App in development
POST /login
POST /signup
GET /posts/new
GET /posts/current
GET /posts/:id
GET /favorites
GET /api/users/
GET /api/users/<int:id>
GET /api/posts/all
GET /api/posts/current
GET /api/posts/<int:id>
GET /api/posts/new
POST /api/posts/new
PUT /api/posts/update/<int:id>
DELETE /api/posts/delete/<int:id>
POST /api/posts/<int:id>/comments
PUT /api/posts/<int:id>/comments
GET /api/posts/no_album
POST /api/posts/no_album
GET /api/comments/all
GET /api/comments
POST /api/comments/new/posts/<int:id>
PUT /api/comments/<int:id>/update/posts
DELETE /api/comments/<int:id>
POST /api/albums/new
GET /api/albums/all
DELETE /api/albums/<int:id>
GET /api/favorites/
POST /api/favorites/<int:id>
DELETE /api/favorites/<int:id>
- Actions:
- Actions:
- Actions:
- Actions:
- Actions: