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en devel coding convention

Reoma Matsuo edited this page Jan 7, 2020 · 2 revisions

Coding conventions

File naming

  • Use Pascal Case (a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, and capitalize the first letter).
  • If there are all uppercase abbreviations, insert an underscore between the words
  • Use .sv extension.


General Naming Rules

  • ModuleName
    • Use Pascal Case.
    • If there are all uppercase abbreviations, insert an underscore between the words
  • TypeName
    • When using typedef, use Pascal Case for the newly defined type name.
  • InterfaceNameIF
    • Interface is basically the same as the ModuleName, with a suffix IF on the rule
  • RoutineName
    • Use Pascal Case for function and task.
  • localVariable
    • Use Lower Camel Case (the first letter of the entire word is lowercase, but subsequent first letters are uppercase).
    • Named constants are all uppercase.
    • Enumeration values are capitalized as well as CONSTANT_VALUE. And prefix the constant with the type abbreviation of the entire enumeration. The type that represents the entire enumeration type follows TypeName.


    // Data width
    parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32;
    typedef logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] DataPath;
    parameter DATA_MASK = 32'hffffffff;
    parameter DATA_ZERO = 32'h00000000;
    // ALU result
    typedef struct  
        logic    carry;
        DataPath data;
    } IntAdderResult;
    // ALU code
    typedef enum logic [3:0]    // enum ALU_Code
        AC_AND = 4'h0,  // AND         Rd := Rn AND shifter_operand
        AC_EOR = 4'h1,  // XOR         Rd := Rn XOR shifter_operand
    } IntALU_Code;
    // ALU interface 
    interface IntALU_IF;
        DataPath dataOut;
        IntALU_Code code;
        DataPath dataInA;   // rN
        DataPath dataInB;   // shifterOperand
        modport Self( 
        modport Port( 
    endinterface : IntALU_IF
    // ALU
    module IntALU( IntALU_IF.Self self );
    endmodule : IntAdder

Other rules

General rules

  • Do not use assign (see below).
  • Use logic.
    • Do not use wire and reg.
  • Use always_comb or always_ff.
    • Do not use always
  • Do not use raw values.
    • Always use variables or constants with meaningful names.

function and modport

  • When defining arguments, be sure to use typedef after typedef (except for 1-bit logic)
  • For the function and modport arguments, write output in principle, and then write input in the order

Selector (case statements)

  • Use unique case.
  • Be sure to write default case.
    • In default case, assign `x (undefined value) to variables.
    • Otherwise it will generate extra circuitry.


Overall purpose

  • Eliminate mistakes by writing always_comb as close to the program as possible (sequentially)
  • Use always_comb to generate a combinational circuit that produces the same result when the same input is given
    • Easily imagine what kind of circuit it will be
    • Consider a detailed circuit for the first time when a large circuit is created


  • Basically each module defines only one always_ff and one always_comb

    • Always define FF in always_ff and do not write logic in it
    • Since the logic is completed in a single always_comb, the changes that occur in the cycle in that module can be written almost as if they were sequential programs
  • Use only non-blocking assignment (<=) in always_ff and blocking assignment (=) in always_comb

    • To eliminate parallel operation from always_comb and enable sequential read.
  • Do not use assign, always use always_comb

    • Using assign causes signal changes to occur in different rows
      • No sequential change from upper to lower
    • For example, in the following code, the change in the lower line will propagate to the upper line
    assign a = b & 1;
    assign b = c & d;
  • If there is a signal exchange with an external module in always_comb, make sure that changes that occur in the lower do not propagate to the upper
    • For example, the following code is not good
    module Module (ext);
        always_comb begin
            hoge = ext.out; // Changes that occurred in below appear in ext.out
   = 0;
  • Good example
    module Module (ext);
        always_comb begin
   = 0;
            hoge = ext.out; // Changes that occurred in above appear in ext.out

Typical example

    module ModuleName (...);
        // Definition of signal lines related to FF
        // Definition of FF
        always_ff (...) begin
        // Definition of signal
        // Logic definition
        always_comb begin
            // Basically, write the signal to flow from upper to lower
            // by input / output to external module

Encoding etc.

  • Use UTF-8.
  • Use LF line feed code.
  • Tabs are 4 spaces     * Do not use hard tabs.