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A Python stub generator from genmsg specs


If you use catkin and need CMake support for the genmypy generator, clone the repository and add it to your catkin workspace.

cd /path/to/your/ws
git clone

If you don't need the cmake support, you can also install it from

pip install genmypy



Add genmypy along with message_generation to find_package in CMakeLists.txt. genmsg will find genmypy automatically when building msg/srv files.

Also, keep in mind that your package should have the build dependency for genmypy in package.xml to make sure that catkin finishes the build of genmypy before building your package.


  • CMakeLists.txt
    find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS std_msgs message_generation genmypy)
  • package.xml


$ genmypy --help
Usage: genmypy [-h] {msg,srv,module} ...
positional arguments:
    msg             Generate stub files from .msg files
    srv             Generate stub files from .srv files
    module          Generate __init__.pyi from a msg/srv directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit


# Message files
$ genmypy msg custom_msgs custom_msgs/msg/Custom.msg
$ genmypy msg std_msgs --out-dir out /opt/ros/noetic/share/std_msgs/msg/Header.msg
$ genmypy msg sensor_msgs --out-dir out \
    -Istd_msgs:/opt/ros/noetic/share/std_msgs/msg \
    -Isensor_msgs:/opt/ros/noetic/share/sensor_msgs/msg \

# Service files
$ genmypy srv custom_msgs custom_msgs/srv/Custom.msg
$ genmypy srv nav_msgs --out-dir out \
    -Istd_msgs:/opt/ros/noetic/share/std_msgs/msg \
    -Isensor_msgs:/opt/ros/noetic/share/sensor_msgs/msg \

# Module files
$ genmypy module custom_msgs/msg
$ genmypy module --module-finder py --out out \

genmypy msg / genmypy srv:

Usage: genmypy {msg,srv} [-h] [--out-dir OUT_DIR]
                        [--include-path INCLUDE_PATH]
                        package files [files ...]

positional arguments:
  package               Package name of given files
  files                 Files to generate stubs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --out-dir OUT_DIR     Output directory. If the option is unset, each stub
                        file will be generated in the same directory as each
  --include-path INCLUDE_PATH, -I INCLUDE_PATH
                        Include paths for processing given files

genmypy module:

Usage: genmypy module [-h] [--out-dir OUT_DIR] package_dir

Positional arguments:
  package_dir        Package directory to create __init__.pyi

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --out-dir OUT_DIR  Output directory. If the option is unset, __init__.pyi
                     will be generated in the same directory as package_dir.