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[v4] phone.calls

Rich Infante edited this page Apr 19, 2018 · 2 revisions

This report gets information phone calls made by the device

  • Name: phone.calls
  • Parameters
    • backup can be a string representing the ID, or a Backup instance.
  • Output: Array of Objects formatted like below.
  id: Number, // ID number of the call
  date: String, // String representing the date hte call was made
  answered: Boolean, // Was the call answered?
  originated: Boolean, // Did we dial the call?
  callType: String, // Call type string. e.g "Cellular", "FacetimeAudio" or "FacetimeVideo"
  duration: Number, // Duration in seconds of the call
  location: String, // Call origin location
  country: String, // Two digit ISO country code
  service: String, // Bundle ID of the app that ran the call
  address: String, // Receiving phone number or email