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[v4] backup.files

Rich Infante edited this page Apr 19, 2018 · 4 revisions

This report lists all files in the backup manifest.

  • Name: backup.files
  • Parameters:
    • backup can be a string representing the backup ID, or a Backup instance.
    • extract (optional) a local file path to extract files to.
    • filter (optional) a filter to apply before extracting files. This is a simple check to see if the filter string is present in the filename or domain.
  • Output: Array, composed of objects with the following fields:
  id: String, // File ID. Formed by sha1(domain + '-' + path)
  domain: String, // Domain to which the file belongs
  path: String, // Path to the file in that domain.
  size: Number // for iOS10+, this is set to 0, regardless of size