A Twitter bot family of Mastodon bots that broadcast weather and temperature forecasts for Switzerland using emojis. Broadcasts are sent according to the following schedule:
- in the morning (6:30 local time): forecasts for mid-morning
- at noon (11:45): forecasts for mid-afternoon
- in the afternoon (15:30): forecast for the evening
Follow the following Fediverse accounts for receiving these forecasts:
- Weather and temperature forecasts:
- Wind speed and wind direction forecasts:
uses data from OpenWeather.
The map design is hand-crafted by me. It can be called a tile map, grid(ded) map, or cartogram. I like tile maps, you can see other examples I've made here, here, here, or here (the latter three I've contributed to the {geofacet} package for R).
Please get in touch if you would like to use this code or want to share an idea or suggestion.
I used to run this family of bots on Twitter, but.