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e-carlin edited this page Jan 9, 2024 · 35 revisions

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Setup Instance

From console:

  • Launch Instance
  • Switch to old interface
  • AWS Marketplace
  • Search "centos"
  • CentOS 7 (x86_64) - with Updates HVM
  • Root partition: 10g, encrypted
  • Security group: public-ssh
  • Launch
  • Use existing key

Once booted, get public and private IPs:

  • Add IPs to named
    • create a record in $net_conf_init with the internet and backnet ip addresses (public and private ip addresses in AWS). You'll want to create an elastic ip address through AWS otherwise the public ip changes each time the machine reboots.
    • you'll want to create a record in $host_conf that associates the names you created in the previous step with the desired hostnames. For example, if in the previous step you created aws_foo6i 'x.x.x.234/32' then here you'll create foo6i => ['aws_m503i', 234],. Again, do this for both internet and backnet
    • Finally, associate the names with a domain. Find the domain you want under the "zones" key in the NamedConf hash (ex Under the $ipv4_map add the name of the server (ex foo6i).
  • Setup host with rsconf_db.components: [ docker ]
  • bash /srv/rsconf/ <ip>

Proceed with post installation instructions.

Verify ssh key fingerprint

You have to convert the ssh private key to PEM format then DER format, and finally compute md5:

ssh-keygen -e -m PEM -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa | openssl rsa -RSAPublicKey_in -outform DER | openssl md5 -c
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