I made this whole readme mostly so I could have a link to my gists.
Repos | Description |
Split up mocap, then apply poses with adjustment blending. Designed for easy integration into other studio pipelines. |
Visual JSON Editor written in Qt. |
Import geometry from a MayaASCII file directly into Blender. |
Blender Addon for skinning workflows. |
File tree / PureRef for scripts. Written to be docked next to a script editor. I have no idea how people use Maya without something like this. |
Dialog to show Exceptions when they occur. (Because nobody ever looks at the script editor output log) Extension system for adding custom actions like creating JIRAs and sending messages on Slack. |
Maya-like standalone python script editor. |
Automatically generate Qt dialog from the arguments of a python function. |
Personal collection of Maya scripts and hotkeys When I setup on a new machine I download this repo and install the hotkeys from this file. |
Python Virtual Environment setup for a bunch of DCCs (Maya, MotionBuilder, Blender) |