Complete changelog
#36688 - Unable to use Panache Sort.Direction enum as method parameter for GraphQL query
#39137 - RESTEasy resource with constructor or field injection failing with RESTEASY003190
#44550 - GraphQL Typesafe client with sources in a dependency
#44590 - Change the JsonRPC Service for OIDC to use recorder
#44929 - Error in secured post-multipart interface with large files
#44959 - Ensure request body is consumed so that multipart requests with large payloads never hang when exception happens before body is consumed
#44960 - Page count fails when using a sort specification in a Panache query with a SELECT DISTINCT statement in Quarkus 3.17
#45104 - Bump com.gradle:develocity-maven-extension from 1.22.2 to 1.23
#45199 - Bump gradle/develocity-actions from 1.2 to 1.3
#45204 - Uber-Jar file name suffix issue for disabling it
#45205 - Update Quarkus Parameter for Disabling Uber-JAR File Name Suffix
#45220 - Messaging RunOnVirtualThreads fix on class annotation
#45235 - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 6.6.4 / Reactive 2.4.3
#45253 - Assorted @WithTestResource
#45254 - Typo in Proxy Configuration Guidance
#45260 - Typo in ProxyConfig
#45261 - Update Develocity extension to 1.1.9
#45284 - Add gRPC capability
#45297 - RESTEasy - Mention you cannot inject @Context
elements in constructors
#45298 - Add Panache Sort enums in index for SmallRye GraphQL
#45305 - Docs: Correct sentence in Simplified MongoDB with Panache
#45335 - is down, use
#45351 - Fixed an issue where annotations were not part of the Jandex index, if given in an external JAR
#45387 - Docs: Correct sentence in Using the MongoDB Client
#45390 - Fix typo in default LGTM dashboards
#45392 - Fix metric scale on dashboard
#45397 - Bump commons-codec:commons-codec from 1.17.1 to 1.17.2
#45401 - Use for The Star Wars API calls
#45402 - Update SmallRye Health to 4.1.1
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