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March 2018 Committee meeting notes

jhansonhpe edited this page Apr 6, 2018 · 1 revision

March 2018 Power API committee meeting - Agenda

  1. HPM Workshop -- possible face-to-face location?

  2. Specification - Community Version - up and ready to interact with

  3. First pull request review and vote (minor item on how we handle community authorship)

  4. Upcoming code reviews for reference implementations - both Sandia and Cray's implementations​ -- which one do we want to use as a community base


  • Jeff Hanson, HPE
  • Natalie Bates, EEHPCWG
  • Matt Kappel, Cray
  • Ryan Grant, SNL
  • Steve Martin, Cray
  • Andrew Younge, SNL
  • Barry Rountree, LLNL
  • Sid Jana, Intel
  • Steve Leak, NERSC
  • Scott Hara, Qualcomm
  • Todd Rosedahl, IBM


HPM workshop - still under discussion of date, there is funding to have the meeting, possibly July 11,12. In Baltimore, MD. Lots of academia and labs. Some industry. Attendee list is capped to around 65. Natalie suggests a back to back. Not at the same time. Possible us a day before. Ryan is looking for overlap. Sid suggested going to Intel campus again as an option. There is an intel conference that could have an overlap. ICCP August 13-16 in Oregon.

Ryan is adding people so we can branch in github.He proposes in issue #1 to change the authorship to the committee. He wants to walk through options for approval. One way is to have the authors as the committee (e.g. openmp) some have names (e.g. openmpi). Or to have all the names of those that are working on it. That is all of us. Simple option is a pull request to add your name. Might to the names alphabetically or temporarily.Barry says in man pages there is a tradition to putting name in the prior authors. Barry likes the proposal to have people add their names. Andrew is fine as well. Suggests adding voting eligible organizations. Might want to have company copyright information. Jeff to find out how to do this for HPE. Sid asked if copyright is every file. Ryan said it’s usually what you touched section. That being said it’s one big TeX file in the end.The output does not show this directly so Ryan will work up some options.

Ryan is thinking of a standard template for comments to make it easier to review for pull requests. Steve is in favor of consistency. No one objected. Yet another action for Ryan. Andrew put in a comment to show what he thinks is right.

Reference implementation - HPEs Redfish for Power API. Both Cray and SNL will have a reference implementation. We can discuss after review. Early next week should have Cray and SNL on the github site.

ACTION for all is review code both spec and tests. Via EMAIL.

Barry - at F2F. What does conforming implementation mean. And a small version of only one path of control. Jeff mentioned he hadn’t reviewed enough to agree or disagree. Steve said we hadn’t enough time to decide which way is the one way. Sid - are there unit tests. Matt - yes there are unit tests. It is not complete. Ryan - SNL has unit tests too. Which is are these functions existing and can I call them. Not they do anything. What will quality mean? Suggestion of possibly a community test suite. Jeff expressed that he liked that idea. Sid asked about how the tests run by section number? Ryan said this is correct. Ryan stated the unit tests assume power api is initialized when the tests run.

Andrew asked if we are to have a website. Ryan suggested github wiki with pointer from EEPHCWG. Natalie thought we were waiting on something. Now we have it so we can go live (soonish). Ryan to send links, Natalie to implement.

Sid - reminds people to ACCEPT their invitations if you haven’t already. Steve said he did not get the original email. Steve is subscribed to all four but he seems to not be getting emails because he is setup to never get notifications on 2 of the 4 groups. Steve suggests checking. There is only a single email ever sent in one list. Steve wondered about sending a test message. Sid will do that. Ryan asked Sid to write up a wiki page on how to request an invite.

Notes will be put on wiki (eventually). Ryan/Jeff to figure it out.