Based on an example from Telink's Zigbee SDK.
Currently supported devices: LYWSD03MMC, CGDK2, MHO-C122, MHO-C401(old), MHO-C401N, TS0201_TZ3000, TH03Z, TH03, LKTMZL02
ZTH01, ZTH02 work with modification - requires unsoldering an extra chip and soldering jumpers.
Additional alternative firmware options for some devices with TLSR825x can be found at doctor64/tuyaZigbee
Please direct questions regarding use and configuration in ZHA, Zigbee2MQTT, Home Assistant to the appropriate resources.
In developing: MJWSD05MMC, CGG1-M, TS0202_TZ3000, ...
- Due to high consumption, limited transmit power of +2 dBm is used. A moderately discharged CR2032 battery cannot withstand higher power.
- Average consumption for Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC HW: B1.4 - ~15 uA.
- Go to the Over-the-air Webupdater Page TelinkMiFlasher.html
- If using Android, Windows, Linux: Ensure you enabled "experimental web platform features". Therefore copy the according link (i.e. chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features for Chrome), open a new browser tab, paste the copied URL. Now sten the Experimental Web Platform features flag to Enabled. Then restart the browser.
- In the Telink Flasher Page: Press
. The browser should open a popup with visible Bluetooth devices. Choose the according target device (i.e. LYWSD03MMC) to pair. - After connection is established a Do Acivation button appears. Press this button to start the decryption key process.
- Now you can press the Zigbee Firmware button to directly flash the
Zigbee Firmware
Alternatively you can choose a specific firmware binary (i.e. the original firmware) via the file chooser. Example: in the file name field paste "". If the firmware file is larger than 128 kilobytes, then you will have to download BLE version 4.6 or later. BLE versions below 4.6 do not support OTA downloads with fw sizes larger than 128 kilobytes. Xiaomi firmwares, excluding MJWSD05MMC, also do not support OTA downloads with fw sizes larger than 128 kilobytes. - Press Start Flashing. Wait for the firmware to finish.
- The device should now show up in your Zigbee bridge (If joining is enabled, of course). If this does not happen, reinsert the battery and/or short-circuit the RESET and GND pins on the LYWSD03MMC board, and on sensors with a button, press the button and hold it for 7..8 seconds.
Action of the button (or contact "reset" to "gnd" for LYWSD03MMC):
Short press - send temperature, humidity and battery data.
Hold for 2 seconds - Switches temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit. The change will immediately appear on the screen.
Hold for 7 seconds - reset the binding and restart. The screen will briefly display “---” (for devices using a screen with fast refresh capabilities, not E-Ink). After restarting, the thermometer will wait forever for registration. Jerking the battery won't change anything.
After flashing from BLE, the thermometer is already in standby mode for registration in the Zigbee network.
For firmware version
Attr: 0x0005, CHAR_STR (id: 0x42), ModelIdentifer (Device Name): 3..23 Chars.
Attr: 0x0000, ENUM8 (id:0x30). 0 – Celsius, 1- Fahrenheit. Default 0.
Attr: 0x0002, ENUM8 (id:0x30). 0 - Show smiley, 1 - Don't show smiley. Default 0.
Attr: 0x0100, INT16 (id:0x29), Temperature offset, in 0.01° steps, range: -32767 (-327.67°)..32767(+327.67°). Default 0.
Attr: 0x0101, INT16 (id:0x29), Humidity offset, in 0.01% steps, range: -32767 (-327.67%)..32767(+327.67%). Default 0.
Attr: 0x0102, INT16 (id:0x29), Comfort temperature minimum, in 0.01° steps, range -32767..+32767 (-327.67° ..+327.67°). Default 2000 (20.00°C).
Attr: 0x0103, INT16 (id:0x29), Comfort temperature maximum, in 0.01° steps, range -32767..+32767 (-327.67° ..+327.67°). Default 2500 (25.00°C).
Attr: 0x0104, UINT16 (id:0x21), Comfort humidity minimum, in 1% steps, range 0..9999 (0..99.99%). Default 4000 (40.00%).
Attr: 0x0105, UINT16 (id:0x21), Comfort humidity maximum, in 1% steps, range 0..9999 (0..99.99%). Default 6000 (60.00%).
Attr: 0x0106, ENUM8 (id:0x30), Turn off the display. 1 - Display Off. Default 0 - Display On.
Attr: 0x0107, UINT8 (id:0x20), Measurement interval, range: 3..255 seconds. Default 10 seconds.
• Not on all HW variants, turning off the display leads to a significant reduction in consumption. Better results are obtained by increasing the measurement interval.
Power configuration (ClusterID: 0x0001), Battery Voltage (Attr: 0x0020). Min interval 360 sec, Max interval 3600 sec, Tolerance 0.
Power configuration (ClusterID: 0x0001), Battery Percentage Remaining (Attr: 0x0021). Min interval 360 sec, Max interval 3600 sec, Tolerance 0.
Temperature Measurement (ClusterID: 0x0402), Measured Value (Attr: 0x0000). Min interval 30 sec, Max interval 180 sec, Tolerance 10 (0.1°).
Relative Humidity Measurement (ClusterID: 0x0405), Measured Value (Attr: 0x0000). Min interval 30 sec, Max interval 180 sec, Tolerance 50 (0.5%).
Use External convertors (for now for version
Before flashing the firmware, check the compliance of the “Manufacturer Code” and “Image Type” between the OTA file and those issued by the Zigbee device.
Sample: "1141-020a-01233001-Z03MMC.zigbee"
Manufacturer Code | Image Type | File Version | Stack Version | Name | Ext OTA |
1141 | 020a | 0123 | 3001 | Z03MMC | zigbee |
0x1141 - Telink | 0x02 - TLSR825x, 0x0a - Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC | App release 0.1, App build 2.3 | Zigbee v3.0, Release 0.1 | Z03MMC | OTA |
Image Type | Device, note |
0x0201 | MHO-C401 (old version) |
0x0202 | CGG1 (old version) |
0x0203 | LYWSD03MMC ver |
0x0204 | WATERMETER ver |
0x0206 | CGDK2 |
0x0207 | CGG1 (new version) |
0x0208 | MHO-C401 (new version) |
0x0209 | MJWSD05MMC |
0x020A | LYWSD03MMC ver |
0x020B | MHO-C122 |
0x0211 | TS0201-TZ3000 |
0x0216 | TH03Z |
0x021b | ZTH01 |
0x021c | ZTH02 |
0x021e | TH03 |
0x021f | LKTMZL02 |
To restore to BLE, use the Zigbee OTA file with the same number device from:
Zigbee OTA for 128 KB firmware takes 677 seconds with an average consumption of about 1 mA.
ZHA patch for more precision display of data for all Zigbee devices.
A solid "BT" icon indicates a connection loss or the thermometer is not registered with the Zigbee network.
The flashing "BT" icon is called by the "identify" command.
ZHA: Switch temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit, Show smiley, Comfort parameters
ZHA: Setting offsets for temperature and humidity, turn off the display, measurement interval
Added project assembly using 'make' (Windows/linux) and the ability to import 'Existing Project' into "Telink IoT Studio".
Default intervals for temperature and humidity reporting are set to 30-180 (min-max) seconds, reportableChanged to 0.1C and 0.5%.
Consumption has been optimized when the coordinator is disconnected or connection is lost. When performing rejoin, if the connection is broken, the thermometer consumes quite a lot. Monitor the work of your network coordinator - Zigbee does not like (almost cannot tolerate) coordinator outages.
Consumption has been optimized when polling the reset button or contact.
Additional adjustments to consumption consumption and correction of the report transmission functions algorithm.
Correspondence of transmitted and displayed measurements (correct rounding).
Reducing firmware size: removing unnecessary code from SDK, reorganization of battery voltage measurement (ADC), ...
Averaging battery level measurements (eliminates clutter on charts)
Switch temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit
Adding button actions (ver
Added Poll Control Cluster (ver
Ver According to the "ZigBee Cluster Library Specification" the "Thermostat Temperature Conversion" values have been corrected. Added On/Off smiley. (ClusterID: 0x0204 (Thermostat User Interface Configuration), Attr: 0x0000 (TemperatureDisplayMode), ENUM8 = 0 in C, = 1 in F, Attr: 0x0002 (ScheduleProgrammingVisibility), ENUM8 = 0 show smiley On, = 1 show smiley Off)
Ver Description of the HVAC cluster (for ZHA)
Ver Setting offsets for temperature and humidity.
Ver Add Comfort parameters
Ver Easy version. Options disabled: "Groups", "TouchLink", "Find and Bind".
Ver Fix configuration saving error
Ver At the request of @devbis, for differences in z2m, the device names have been renamed. "-z" will be added to the name Zigbee devices, "-bz" will be added to the BLE and Zigbee devices, "-zb" to the Zigbee2BLE devices.
Ver Disabled POLL_CTRL - some programs set a short polling period without taking into account the Zigbee 3.0 specification, which increases consumption. For temperature and humidity offsets, as well as COMFORT parameters, the resolution has been changed to 0.01 units. Added parameters: display off, sensor measurement interval. The ability to change the device name is enabled - works with all programs that support ZigBee 3.0 without rewriting configurations. Down with identifying a device by name in Z2M! Users should be able to change the names of Zigbee devices!
Ver Offset correction for SHTv3 and SHT4x sensors.
Ver Added the ability to change the "manufacturer name". Changing the structure of saving the model and the manufacturer name. Corrected manufacturer name "MiaoMiaoCe" for MHO-C122 and MHO-C401N.
Added firmware for TH03.
Added firmware for LKTMZL02.
Added firmware for MHO-C401(old).
To build under Linux, run:
git clone
make install
Out log:
Section| Description| Start (hex)| End (hex)|Used space
ramcode| Resident Code SRAM| 0| 1360| 4960
text| Code Flash| 1360| 1E028| 117960
rodata| Read Only Data Flash| 0| 0| 0
cusdata| Custom SRAM| 844FD8| 844FD8| 0
nc| Wasteful Area SRAM| 841360| 841400| 160
ictag| Cache Table SRAM| 841400| 841500| 256
icdata| Cache Data SRAM| 841500| 841D00| 2048
data| Init Data SRAM| 841D00| 841E94| 404
bss| BSS Data SRAM| 841EA0| 844FD8| 12600
irq_stk| BSS Data SRAM| 841EA0| 8420A0| 512
cbss| Custom BSS Data SRAM| 844FD8| 844FD8| 0
stack| CPU Stack SRAM| 844FD8| 850000| 45096
flash| Bin Size Flash| 0| 1E1BC| 123324
Start Load SRAM : 0 (ICtag: 0x0)
Total Used SRAM : 20440 from 65536
Total Free SRAM : 160 + stack[45096] = 45256
Under Window, after downloading the project, run “make install”:
git clone
make install
and import the project into 'Telink IoT Studio' as described in 'Telink_IoT_Studio_User_Guide.pdf', chapter "6 Import and build projects".
On Windows, it is possible to enable multi-threaded assembly to build the entire project from scratch in 2..3 seconds (make -j -> 3 seconds on 12 cores/24 threads).
The start of the project with Zigbee on TLSR825x was inspired by the following original works: