Version 0.5.2 [2017-10-17]
Added citation to Alia Dehman's PhD thesis to DESCRIPTION.
Version 0.5.1 [2017-10-16]
Added citation to Alia Dehman's PhD thesis to DESCRIPTION.
More informative 'Description' of the method in DESCRIPTION
Updates to test scripts to pass R CMD check on all windows platforms
Moved README-*.png files to man/figures
Version 0.5.0 [2017-10-13]
Bump version number for CRAN submission
Version 0.4.2 [2017-10-05]
Added 'chac' S3 class and corresponding 'plot' and 'summary' methods
Documentation cleanups
Removed objects "R2.100" and "Dprime.100" (can be obtained from the
imported 'snpStats' package)
In 'snpClust': argument 'stat' is now passed to the 'snpStats::ld' function
through '...'
Some code cleanups
Improved handling of default value for 'h' in 'adjclust' for 'dist' objects
Renamed 'prevfit' into the more explicit 'res_adjclust_0.3.0'
Dropped 'simmatrix' toy data set (now generated on the fly in tests)
Version 0.4.1 [2017-09-15]
Cleanups in Hi-C and LD vignettes and corresponding tests
Dropped outdated BALD test script
Added test script for NA values in LD
Renamed Hi-C data sets and updated corresponding documentation
Added package website generated by pkgdown
Version 0.4.0 [2017-08-29]
Implemented interface to handle standard and sparse matrices in adjClust
Implemented interface to handle either kernel or dissimilarities
Implemented wrapper for SNP and Hi-C data
Documented the package and created vignettes for the different use cases
Added scripts to increase package coverage and test the equivalence with
rioja for the small dimensional case
Cleaned up code to improve efficiency and removed unnecessary scripts and functions
Version 0.3.0 [2017-02-13]
Removed 'adjClustBand': main entry points are now 'HeapHop' and 'adjClustBand_heap'.
Updated test scripts and LD vignette accordingly.
Added Travis CI and Appveyor support.
Version 0.2.*
Version 0.2.3 [2017-02-02]
Updated LD vignette
In adjClustBand, renamed flavor "Koskas" to "PseudoMatrix"
Version 0.2.2 [2016-12-01]
Added dummy R/adjclust.R so that document() adds 'importFrom Rcpp evalCpp' to NAMESPACE
"Fixed" warning at check due to .hpp file in src (this warning should not exist IMHO)
Version 0.2.1 [2016-11-09]
Added minimal documentation
Replaced "std::cout" by "Rcpp::Rcout", and so on for "exit()" and "cerr".
Version 0.2.0 [2016-06-24]
Incorporated Michel's implementation (R function 'HeapHop')
'adjClustBand' is now a wrapper to call either Alia's or Michel's
Version 0.1.0 [2016-06-24]
Created from BALD
Added a test to check that we are reproducing the results of BALD::cWard
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