Releases: pneuvial/adjclust
Releases · pneuvial/adjclust
CRAN release adjclust v0.6.3
First CRAN release
Version 0.5.2 [2017-10-17]
- Added citation to Alia Dehman's PhD thesis to DESCRIPTION.
Version 0.5.1 [2017-10-16]
- Added citation to Alia Dehman's PhD thesis to DESCRIPTION.
- More informative 'Description' of the method in DESCRIPTION
- Updates to test scripts to pass R CMD check on all windows platforms
- Moved README-*.png files to man/figures
Version 0.5.0 [2017-10-13]
- Bump version number for CRAN submission
Version 0.4.2 [2017-10-05]
- Added 'chac' S3 class and corresponding 'plot' and 'summary' methods
- Documentation cleanups
- Removed objects "R2.100" and "Dprime.100" (can be obtained from the
imported 'snpStats' package) - In 'snpClust': argument 'stat' is now passed to the 'snpStats::ld' function
through '...' - Some code cleanups
- Improved handling of default value for 'h' in 'adjclust' for 'dist' objects
- Renamed 'prevfit' into the more explicit 'res_adjclust_0.3.0'
- Dropped 'simmatrix' toy data set (now generated on the fly in tests)
Version 0.4.1 [2017-09-15]
- Cleanups in Hi-C and LD vignettes and corresponding tests
- Dropped outdated BALD test script
- Added test script for NA values in LD
- Renamed Hi-C data sets and updated corresponding documentation
- Added package website generated by pkgdown
Version 0.4.0 [2017-08-29]
- Implemented interface to handle standard and sparse matrices in adjClust
- Implemented interface to handle either kernel or dissimilarities
- Implemented wrapper for SNP and Hi-C data
- Documented the package and created vignettes for the different use cases
- Added scripts to increase package coverage and test the equivalence with
rioja for the small dimensional case - Cleaned up code to improve efficiency and removed unnecessary scripts and functions
Version 0.3.0 [2017-02-13]
- Removed 'adjClustBand': main entry points are now 'HeapHop' and 'adjClustBand_heap'.
- Updated test scripts and LD vignette accordingly.
- Added Travis CI and Appveyor support.
Version 0.2.*
Version 0.2.3 [2017-02-02]
- Updated LD vignette
- In adjClustBand, renamed flavor "Koskas" to "PseudoMatrix"
Version 0.2.2 [2016-12-01]
- Added dummy R/adjclust.R so that document() adds 'importFrom Rcpp evalCpp' to NAMESPACE
- "Fixed" warning at check due to .hpp file in src (this warning should not exist IMHO)
Version 0.2.1 [2016-11-09]
- Added minimal documentation
- Replaced "std::cout" by "Rcpp::Rcout", and so on for "exit()" and "cerr".
Version 0.2.0 [2016-06-24]
- Incorporated Michel's implementation (R function 'HeapHop')
- 'adjClustBand' is now a wrapper to call either Alia's or Michel's
Version 0.1.0 [2016-06-24]
- Created from BALD
- Added a test to check that we are reproducing the results of BALD::cWard