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This Module makes it easier to Install/Uninstall programs on Windows, regardless of the method of installation (PSGet, Chocolatey CmdLine, .msi, etc)


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This Module simplifies Program Installation/Uninstallation on Windows regardless of the method of installation (PowerShellGet, Chocolatey CmdLine, .msi, etc). Also, this function ensures that the Main Executable for the program is immediately available in PowerShell's $env:Path after the program is installed.

NOTE: Currently, this Module does not support installation/uninstallation of AppX packages. If AppX packages become more popular in the future, I will update this Module.

Getting Started

# One time setup
    # Download the repository
    # Unblock the zip
    # Extract the ProgramManagement folder to a module path (e.g. $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\)
# Or, with PowerShell 5 or later or PowerShellGet:
    Install-Module ProgramManagement

# Import the module.
    Import-Module ProgramManagement    # Alternatively, Import-Module <PathToModuleFolder>

# Get commands in the module
    Get-Command -Module ProgramManagement

# Get help
    Get-Help Install-Program -Full
    Get-Help about_ProgramManagement


Scenario 1: Install A Program

PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Install-Program openssh
Please wait...

The program 'openssh' was installed successfully!

InstallManager     : PowerShellGet
InstallAction      : FreshInstall
InstallCheck       : Microsoft.PackageManagement.Packaging.SoftwareIdentity
MainExecutable     :
OriginalSystemPath : C:\Chocolatey;C:\Chocolatey\li...[Truncated]...
CurrentSystemPath  : C:\Chocolatey;C:\Chocolatey\li...[Truncated]...
OriginalEnvPath    : C:\Program Files\ConEmu;C:\Program Files\ConE...[Truncated]...
CurrentEnvPath     : C:\Program Files\ConEmu;C:\Program Files\ConE...[Truncated]...

In the above example, the Install-Program function successfully installs 'openssh' via PowerShellGet. The 'MainExecutable' Property of the PSCustomObject output is null because there was no way for the Install-Program function to determine what the name of the Main Executable for this particular program is called (i.e. ssh.exe) since it is not exactly the same as the Program's Name a and no additional parameters (like -CommandName) are used. The properties OriginalSystemPath,CurrentSystemPath,OriginalEnvPath, and CurrentEnvPath are provided to make it relatively easy to determine what (if any) changes were made to System PATH or $env:Path. This information also makes it easy to revert any undesireable PATH changes that certain program installations might perform.

If you would like to install a program via the Chocolatey CmdLine, use the -UseChocolateyCmdLine switch. Several other parameters are available that affect this function's behavior. Use Get-Help Install-Program for more information.

Scenario 2: Uninstall A Program

PS C:\Users\pdadmin> Uninstall-Program python
WARNING: Multiple packages matching the name 'python' have been found.
0) Python 3.6.5 Utility Scripts (64-bit)
1) Python 3.6.5 Test Suite (64-bit)
2) Python 3.6.5 Tcl/Tk Support (64-bit)
3) Python 3.6.5 pip Bootstrap (64-bit)
4) Python 3.6.5 Add to Path (64-bit)
5) Python 3.6.5 Standard Library (64-bit)
6) Python 3.6.5 Executables (64-bit)
7) Python 3.6.5 Documentation (64-bit)
8) Python 3.6.5 Development Libraries (64-bit)
9) Python 3.6.5 Core Interpreter (64-bit)
10) Python Launcher
11) Python 3.6.5 (64-bit)
12) All of the Above
Please enter one or more numbers (separated by commas) that correspond to the program(s) you would like to uninstall.: 12
Uninstalling Python 3.6.5 Utility Scripts (64-bit)...
Uninstalling Python 3.6.5 Test Suite (64-bit)...
Uninstalling Python 3.6.5 Tcl/Tk Support (64-bit)...
Uninstalling Python 3.6.5 pip Bootstrap (64-bit)...
Uninstalling Python 3.6.5 Add to Path (64-bit)...
Uninstalling Python 3.6.5 Standard Library (64-bit)...
Uninstalling Python 3.6.5 Executables (64-bit)...
Uninstalling Python 3.6.5 Documentation (64-bit)...
Uninstalling Python 3.6.5 Development Libraries (64-bit)...
Uninstalling Python 3.6.5 Core Interpreter (64-bit)...
Uninstalling Python Launcher...
Uninstalling Python 3.6.5 (64-bit)...
The program 'python' was uninstalled successfully!

DirectoriesThatMightNeedToBeRemoved ChocolateyInstalledProgramObjects PSGetInstalledPackageObjects RegistryProperties
----------------------------------- --------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------

Use the switch -UninstallAllSimilarlyNamedPackages if you would like to skip the prompt and completely remove the specified program. But BE CAREFUL - the list of programs to uninstall is generated by simply matching the string you provide to the -ProgramName parameter.


Run Windows PowerShell 5.1 elevated (i.e. 'Run as Administrator') and...

git clone
if (!$(Test-Path "$HOME\ModuleBuilds")) {$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory "$HOME\ModuleBuilds"}
.\ProgramManagement\build.ps1 *> "$HOME\ModuleBuilds\ProgramManagement.log"



This Module makes it easier to Install/Uninstall programs on Windows, regardless of the method of installation (PSGet, Chocolatey CmdLine, .msi, etc)







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