- Fixed logic with -UninstallAllSimilarlyNamedPackages switch in Uninstall-Program function
- Removed Get-AllAvailablePackages function
- Updated Get-AllPackageInfo to handle Appx packages
- Added Get-AllAvailablePackages function
- Fixed issue with chocolatey v2 api availability check in PowerShell Core
- Fix Authenticode Signature Attempt 1
- Minor updates to build.
- Fixed issues with Chocolatey being unable to find Chocolatey Extensions Modules on the filesystem
- Minor updates to Install-Program and GetMSIFileInfo
- Updated logic to handle situations where PowerShellGet / PackageManagement completes a dirty install (installs program and dependencies, but throws one or more errors along the way)
- Changed Errors related to PowerShellGet / PackageManagement Chocolatey Repo Chocolatey installation script failures to Warnings
- Fixes to logic that handles PowerShell Get / PackageManagement failures
- Removed erroneous message saying package was installed when it was already present and no install action actually took place.
- Fixed Test-Path logic in Install-Program where sometimes the -Path parameter could be $null
- Fixed logic that determines whether or not to attempt install and added -Force switch
- Updated WinCompat Functions
- Updated InvokePSCompatibility Private to improve import speed in PSCore
- Added an error condition for situations where the Install-Package cmdlet (for PowerShellGet) does literally nothing
- Updated InvokeModuleDependencies and InvokePSCompatibility Private functions to ensure Module Dependencies are installed even when function names overlap
- Fixed issue with Output and Error Handling when falling back to Chocolatey CmdLine
- Updated GetModuleDependencies Private function to help Module load faster in PSCore
- Fixed logic to determine if installation is an Update or Fresh Install
- Suppressed multiple 7zip outputs
- Additional updates to psake
- Updated psake
- Updated psake and added PSCompatibility Functions
- Fixed issue with expected Chocolatey resource path
- Fixed compatibility issues with PowerShell Core (ON WINDOWS)
- Now compatible with PowerShell Core ON WINDOWS
- Updated build process and Pester testing
- Updated README.md
- Added -GetPreviousVersion switch to install version of Program preceding latest
- Updated Module Description on PSGallery
- Created