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Fields being generated and read

Henric Zazzi edited this page Mar 28, 2014 · 4 revisions

The following fields are begin exported from the Percolator Out XML

from within the psm entries

  1. svm_score
  2. p_value
  3. q_value
  4. pep

from within peptide entries
5. q_value
6. pep

pout2mzid adds the following fields to the mzIdentML file.

  1. Percolator:Score
  2. Percolator:PSMPValue
  3. Percolator:PSMQValue
  4. Percolator:PSMPEP
  5. Percolator:PeptideQValue
  6. Percolator:PeptidePEP

All these fields are defined as user parameters and therefore are not within MzIdentML Controlled Vocabulary.

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