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paradigmatic edited this page Sep 4, 2011 · 4 revisions

Configrity allows lists as configuration values. The string representation (stored in files and used internally) must be properly formatted as follows:

  • The elements must be enclosed inside square brackets [ ... ]
  • The elements must be separated with commas ,
  • Whitespaces (and new lines) are ignored (except in quoted elements)
  • Elements must be quoted if they contain any of =#{}[],

For instance valid lists representations are:

foo = [ 1, 2, 4, 8 ]
goo = [ hi, "hello world", "random ramblings: [][[##[[][{}" ]
hoo = [ on,
        on ]

Retrieving list values

You can retrieve any List type if there exists an implicit value converter for the element type (see ValueConversions). With preceding example:

val nums = config[List[Int]]( "foo" ) // nums == List( 1, 2, 4, 8)

Formatting and setting list values

Any list added to a configuration will be automatically converted to the correct string representation:

val list = List( true, false, true )
config.set( "list", list )
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