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yurkom edited this page Dec 22, 2012 · 8 revisions

Flat Format

The flat format ( is composed of a list of entries taking the form:

key = value

Where key is a string which can contain any character except: #, = or any whitespace character (space, tab, newline, etc.) It cannot start or end with the dot: .. The value is either:

  1. a word composed of any character except: #, = any whitespace character;
  2. any string surrounded by double quotes " (which does not contain any other double quote character).

All whitespace around expressions are ignored. Everything starting with # is a comment and is then ignored.

For instance, the following text is valid:

site.url                  =
site.credentials.username = bob
site.credentials.password = "b0b rul3z !!!"
upload.retrying           = on
upload.retrying.times     = 3

The Flat Format rules are defined in files src/io/StandardFormat.scala and src/io/StandardFormat.scala.

Block format (default format)

Block format ( is an extension of Flat format (see above). All texts parsed by Flat format are also valid Block format texts. The only extension is the introduction of blocks:

blockKey {

Where blockKey has the same restrictions as Flat format keys and content is a list of either key = value entries or other blocks. The order is not important. A block cannot be empty.

For instance, the following text is valid and the generated Configuration equals the one generated by the Flat format example:

site {
  url =
  credentials {
    username = bob
    password = "b0b rul3z !!!"
upload {
  retrying = on
  retrying {
    times = 3

Both style can be mixed, so last examples is identical to:

site {
  url =
  credentials.username = bob
  credentials.password = "b0b rul3z !!!"
upload.retrying = on
upload.retrying {
  times = 3

JProperty Format

JProperty Format (org.streum.configrity.JProperties.format) is the standard text format of java.util.Properties, described in:

It allows interoperability for legacy java code and scripts.

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