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Copy HB.jar to Raspberry PI

angelofraietta edited this page Nov 9, 2017 · 3 revisions

After building the new jar with gradle-deploy, the jar file needs to be sent to the Pi. This is done via the scp command.

Navigate to the folder where HB.jar is residing (normally under HappyBackets Devleoper Kit/Device/HappyBrackets)

run the scp command using the name of the device. scp HB.jar :~/HappyBrackets

For example, for my Pi, I enter the following scp HB.jar [email protected]:~/HappyBrackets

When prompted, enter the password

A script has been placed in the Devices script folder called "". Simply call this from the commandline using the device address as the parameter and the scp command will be performed. Eg hb-001d43801b7a.local

After uploading the new jar file, the device needs to be rebooted in a controlled way so the file will be written completely to the disk, otherwise, the file may be corrupt on the sdcard. Log into device with ssh and type

sudo shutdown -r now

The device will reboot and run the newer version.

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