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I like robots.

Los Angeles

LiuQiang LiuQiangBlog
Robot Software Engineer.


Diego Ferigo diegoferigo
Applied Scientist | Roboticist @bdaiinstitute. RAI account: @diegoferigo-rai.

Robotics and AI Institute Zürich (Switzerland)


SJTU Shanghai,China

Now I got my PhD in Harbin Institute of Technology, and I used to be a research Intern in Idiap Research Institute.

Harbin Institute of Technology & Idiap Harbin Hei Long Jiang

Suhrudh Sarathy SuhrudhSarathy
Robotics Research Engineer at Perceptyne | Undergrad from BITS Goa (19-23)


Chenyang Wan bryce-wan
Incoming Ph.D. student @OpenRobotLab & ZJU. Interested in Embodied AI.

Shanghai AI Lab Shanghai, China

Zhixuan Xu ariszxxu

National University of Singapore

Thanki Dhruv Ashwinkumar dhruvthanki
MSc Robotics student at University of Delaware

Pensacola, Florida

silencht silencht
robotics beginner

Hangzhou, China

R. He RonghaiHe
Master candidate@SYSU | Interested in robotics
Prithvish Prithvish04
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" - Nikola Tesla

University of Manchester United Kingdom

Adrian Prados AdrianPrados
My name is Adrián Prados and I am an electronics and robotics engineer and I have a master's degree in Robotics and Automation. Currently studying for my PhD

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Shufei Li shufei-li

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong

Nikita Boguslavskii AlfaKeNTAvR
Industrial robotics and automation engineer. PhD Student in RBE at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI).

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) Worcester, MA

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Chen Zhiqiang thisparticle
Ph.D. student in The University of Hong Kong
Xiao (Leo) Liu liuxiao1468

CWRU -> Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona

Jiahui Zhu Bailey-24
Learning to unlearn.


Mikel Zhobro jotix16
PhD student in robot learning

Autonomous Learning @ University of Tuebingen