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Plugwise Binding not working in openHAB 1.3 #456

openhab-bot opened this issue Nov 17, 2013 · 23 comments

Plugwise Binding not working in openHAB 1.3 #456

openhab-bot opened this issue Nov 17, 2013 · 23 comments


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From [email protected] on September 16, 2013 08:00:46

The Plugwise Binding seems not to work any longer (at least for me) with openHAB 1.3. Switching back to openHAB 1.2 the Plugwise Binding is running fine.

Enclosed is the logging issued by the Plugwise Binding. After the last line shown nothing more happens. Seems the Binding silently fallen asleep.

07:45:04.447 DEBUG o.o.b.p.i.PlugwiseActivator[:53]- Plugwise binding has been started.
07:45:04.641 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:193]- Serial port '/dev/ttyUSB0' has been found.
07:45:04.678 DEBUG o.o.b.p.i. PlugwiseBinding [:120]- Plugwise added Stick connected to serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
07:45:04.695 DEBUG o.o.b.p.i. PlugwiseBinding [:177]- Plugwise added Circle+ with MAC address: 000D6F0002588E2A
07:45:04.695 DEBUG o.o.b.p.i. PlugwiseBinding [:182]- Plugwise added Circle with MAC address: 000D6F0002778CE1
07:45:04.723 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:665]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC: command:INITIALISE_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:000AB43C
07:45:04.733 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:10 payload:00C1
07:45:04.761 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:INITIALISE_RESPONSE sequence:10 payload:000D6F000276AA500101520D6F0002588E2A7152FF
07:45:04.823 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:665]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F0002588E2A command:DEVICE_INFORMATION_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0023000D6F0002588E2A7C7E
07:45:04.850 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:11 payload:00C1
07:45:04.850 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:665]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F0002588E2A command:DEVICE_CALIBRATION_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0026000D6F0002588E2A2F14
07:45:04.871 ERROR o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:454]- Plugwise protocol message error: # APSRequestNodeInfo: Source MAC: 000D6F000276AA50# APSRequestNodeInfo: Destination MAC:
07:45:04.874 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:665]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F0002588E2A command:CLOCK_SET_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0016000D6F0002588E2A0D0955B9FFFFFFFF052D0400D1E3
07:45:04.893 ERROR o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:451]- Plugwise protocol header error: 000D in message 000D6F0002588E2A
07:45:04.925 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:12 payload:00C1
07:45:04.926 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:665]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F0002588E2A command:DEVICE_ROLECALL_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0018000D6F0002588E2A005D40
07:45:04.947 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:DEVICE_INFORMATION_RESPONSE sequence:11 payload:000D6F0002588E2A0D0955B900047F9801856539070073264E0843A901
07:45:04.971 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:13 payload:00C1
07:45:04.993 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:DEVICE_CALIBRATION_RESPONSE sequence:12 payload:000D6F0002588E2A3F80520FB591DE083DA1D47A00000000
07:45:05.022 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:14 payload:00C1
07:45:05.044 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:13 payload:00D7000D6F0002588E2A
07:45:05.066 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:DEVICE_ROLECALL_RESPONSE sequence:14 payload:000D6F0002588E2A000D6F0002778CE100
07:45:05.074 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:532]- Plugwise Unknown Acknowledgement message Extension
07:45:05.173 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:665]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F0002778CE1 command:DEVICE_INFORMATION_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0023000D6F0002778CE1CF3E
07:45:05.201 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:15 payload:00C1
07:45:05.202 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:665]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F0002778CE1 command:DEVICE_CALIBRATION_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0026000D6F0002778CE19C54
07:45:05.248 ERROR o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:454]- Plugwise protocol message error: # APSRequestNodeInfo: Source MAC: 000D6F000276AA50# APSRequestNodeInfo: Destination MAC:
07:45:05.249 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:665]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F0002588E2A command:DEVICE_ROLECALL_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0018000D6F0002588E2A014D61
07:45:05.270 ERROR o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:451]- Plugwise protocol header error: 000D in message 000D6F0002778CE1
07:45:05.291 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:16 payload:00C1
07:45:05.335 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:DEVICE_INFORMATION_RESPONSE sequence:15 payload:000D6F0002778CE10D0955B50004825001856539070140264E0844C202
07:45:05.360 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:DEVICE_CALIBRATION_RESPONSE sequence:16 payload:000D6F0002778CE13F80FE08B5033F5D3CB132FC00000000
07:45:05.392 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:17 payload:00C1

07:45:05.417 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:398]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:DEVICE_ROLECALL_RESPONSE sequence:17 payload:000D6F0002588E2AFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF01

I am getting the error message "Plugwise protocol header error: 000D" in openHAB 1.2 as well, but nevertheless the Plugwise Binding working and requesting and receiving values from the Circles.

I am running openHAB 1.3 on Debian GNU/Linux testing/unstable.
OpenJDK 64-Bit (IcedTea 2.3.9) (7u21-2.3.9-5)

Original issue:

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From kai.openhab on September 16, 2013 00:17:59

Any idea, Karel?
@ingo: In general I would not recommend to use OpenJDK, but rather Oracle JavaSE Embedded.

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From kai.openhab on September 16, 2013 00:18:37

Owner: [email protected]

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From [email protected] on September 16, 2013 00:53:42

Did you recently upgrade the firmware of the Circle(+)s?

the 000D protocol header error is due to the fact that the Plugwise protocol is not 100% reverse engineered, and sometimes the devices send back that has to be thrown away for that reason. At first sight the binding seems to work because it is polling the devices for "role profiles", doing device calibration, and it is getting back data from the devices.

The last message in the log is the last part of the role profile "call" in the network - It can be identified by the FFFFF..FFF01 in the HEX string (the Stick returns a list of devices it sees, and the last address in that list is FFF.FFF)

You do not have any other logging info thereafter? Can you also share your item definitions? When the network is "set up" and the "role call" has been completed, the binding basically goes into its regular "mode",e.g. it will now depend on what you configured in the items file in terms of what you will receive from the network, e.g. how frequently do you poll for data etc..

If nothing would be wrong with the items definitions, then it could be related to the serial port

[I have not tested the PW binding myself with 1.3 due to lack of time, but I see no reason why it would not work anymore]


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From [email protected] on September 17, 2013 03:50:03

Hi Karel,

I didn't upgrade the firmware of my Circle(+)s since I bought them in April 2013. There is no more logging happening regarding the Plugwise Binding as shown in my first post. Absolute silence after the last message.

Here are my definitions.


############################## Plugwise Binding #######################################

"stick" is reserved plug wise id


"circleplus" is reserved plug wise id




/* Plugwise */
Group Wattage_Data_Center_Chart (Wattage)

Number Wattage_Data_Center "Server [%.1f W]" (Wattage_Data_Center_Chart) { plugwise="[datacenter:power:10]" }

I doubt that the problem is related to the serial port. As said in my first post switching back to openHAB 1.2 the Plugwise Binding is running fine. And I can query the Circles from CLI with python-plugwise ( ).



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From [email protected] on September 17, 2013 05:00:23


the code of the binding has not changed going from 1.2 to 1.3, so the source of the problem must indeed be external to the binding itself. I will try to test my own config under 1.3 and see what happens. (I run OH on Mac OS X). It is strange that the serial connection seems to work for a little while before dying. Does it always die at the same moment? Can you try to reduce the polling interval and check what happens?


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From [email protected] on September 17, 2013 06:27:07

Hi Karel,

it always dies at the same moment. I have reduced the polling from 10 to 3 but nothing changed.



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From [email protected] on September 17, 2013 07:18:59

Mhhh.. do you happen to use the serial binding as well by chance? And does that one work?

I have compared the source of the serial binding with the serial code in the plugwise binding and they are very similar... still. and they should be, because the serial 'core' of the plug wise binding is based on the serial binding. If the issue would also exist with the serial binding, then we know that it is related to the nrjavaserial library used by both bindings.

I will check everything to make sure it is not an issue with the threading engine in the binding either....


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From [email protected] on September 17, 2013 22:44:03

Sorry to say, but I am not using the serial binding. And I have nothing at home to give it a try.

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From [email protected] on September 20, 2013 02:38:17


while investigating the problem further I stumbled across the following.
Here is what I did:

  1. connected to the OSGI console
    telnet localhost 5555)
  2. uninstalled the plugwise bundle
    uninstall 273
  3. installed the bundle again
    install file:/opt/openhab/addons/org.openhab.binding.plugwise-1.3.1.jar)
  4. start the bundle
    start 286

After the OSGI console start I get the following error in the openhab.log.

11:19:45.375 ERROR o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:120]- Failed to initialize Plugwise stick: Serial port '/dev/ttyUSB0' could not be found. Available ports are:

11:19:45.378 ERROR o.o.b.p.internal.CirclePlus[:106]- Error scheduling a Quartz Job

The serial port is still present:
crw-rw---T 1 root dialout 188, 0 Sep 20 11:12 /dev/ttyUSB0

So I checked if any process is using the serial port. The out put from the 'lsof | grep ttyUSB' is attached.

These are hell of a lot entries!

And I think openHAB should release the resource after uninstalling the bundle, or am I wrong?

Attachment: lsof_ttyUSB.txt

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From [email protected] on September 20, 2013 03:42:19


This is indeed a bug in the binding - the deactivate() is missing as well as a removeConfigurations()


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From [email protected] on September 23, 2013 03:24:05

Hi Karel,

should I open a new issue for the missing deactivate() and removeConfigurations() calls?


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From [email protected] on September 23, 2013 03:56:10

Nope - That is not necessary - I will couple this with the serial port test under post-1.3

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From [email protected] on September 23, 2013 12:52:38


Just did a test on OH 1.3 with my Stick/setup and I can confirm everything is running fine, including all the polling and so forth. /me think this has to due with the serial port driver on your host platform (mine is Mac OS X)


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From kai.openhab on September 23, 2013 20:45:54

So shall this issue be rejected then?

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From [email protected] on September 23, 2013 23:57:09


when you say 'serial port driver' do you mean the nrjavaserial library used by the binding or the Linux kernel serial port driver?

Is there anything I can do to trace down the problem on my own?

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From [email protected] on September 24, 2013 01:39:04

The linux kernel driver or the driver you installed at the OS level to support the Plugwise device. I can not find of another reason since it works OK in my installation (unmodified OH distro)

the resource release I can currently not test my solution as the OSGi console is behaving weirdly


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From [email protected] on September 24, 2013 03:19:37

Karel I just want say thank you and I really appreciate your time you spent on my issue.

Lets recapitulate what we got so far.

  • The Plugwise Binding hasn't changed from openHAB 1.2 to 1.3
  • The Plugwise Binding is using the nrjavaserial-3.8.8.jar both in openHAB 1.2 and openHAB 1.3
  • I am running openHAB on a Debian testing/unstable Server, Kernel 3.11 with Java(TM) Oracle SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_40-b43)
  • I have installed openHAB 1.2 AND openHAB 1.3 (/opt/openhab_1.2; /opt/openhab_1.3)
  • In openHAB 1.2 the Plugwise Binding is working
  • In openHAB 1.3 the Plugwise Binding is NOT working (silently dies)

Is there any way to get some logging from the nrjavaserial-3.8.8.jar?


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From [email protected] on September 24, 2013 03:29:41

I am not an expert in the nrjavaserial lib. This is an excerpt of what I have in the openhab.log and event.log

20:13:22.508 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:195]- Serial port '/dev/tty.usbserial-A700dr4E' has been found.
20:13:22.547 DEBUG o.o.b.p.i. PlugwiseBinding [:118]- Plugwise added Stick connected to serial port /dev/tty.usbserial-A700dr4E
20:13:22.556 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:684]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC: command:INITIALISE_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:000AB43C
20:13:22.578 DEBUG o.o.b.p.i. PlugwiseBinding [:175]- Plugwise added Circle+ with MAC address: 000D6F000099675B
20:13:22.631 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:48 payload:00C1
20:13:22.665 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:INITIALISE_RESPONSE sequence:48 payload:000D6F0000B84DAB0101DE0D6F000099675B39DEFF
20:13:22.736 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:684]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F000099675B command:DEVICE_INFORMATION_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0023000D6F000099675B00E9
20:13:22.769 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:49 payload:00C1
20:13:22.770 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:684]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F000099675B command:DEVICE_CALIBRATION_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0026000D6F000099675B5383
20:13:22.792 ERROR o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:473]- Plugwise protocol message error: # APSRequestNodeInfo: Source MAC: 000D6F0000B84DAB# APSRequestNodeInfo: Destination MAC:
20:13:22.814 ERROR o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:470]- Plugwise protocol header error: 000D in message 000D6F000099675B
20:13:22.838 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:DEVICE_INFORMATION_RESPONSE sequence:49 payload:000D6F000099675B0D0980050005411801856539090088024E0843A901
20:13:22.861 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:50 payload:00C1
20:13:22.869 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:684]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F000099675B command:CLOCK_SET_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0016000D6F000099675B0D098005FFFFFFFF120D16003118
20:13:22.880 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:684]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F000099675B command:DEVICE_ROLECALL_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0018000D6F000099675B00E32A
20:13:22.885 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:DEVICE_CALIBRATION_RESPONSE sequence:50 payload:000D6F000099675B3F7E3602B61798253DCC1F3700000000
20:13:22.897 DEBUG o.o.c.i.items.ItemRegistryImpl[:157]- Item provider 'GenericItemProvider' has been added.
20:13:22.908 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:51 payload:00C1
20:13:22.934 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:51 payload:00D7000D6F000099675B
20:13:22.975 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:52 payload:00C1
20:13:22.980 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:551]- Plugwise Unknown Acknowledgement message Extension
20:13:23.002 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:DEVICE_ROLECALL_RESPONSE sequence:52 payload:000D6F000099675B000D6F000098E9B800
20:13:23.044 DEBUG o.o.b.p.internal.CirclePlus[:149]- Added a Circle with MAC 000D6F000098E9B8 to the cache
20:13:23.087 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:684]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F000098E9B8 command:DEVICE_INFORMATION_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0023000D6F000098E9B82603
20:13:23.120 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:53 payload:00C1
20:13:23.121 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:684]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F000098E9B8 command:DEVICE_CALIBRATION_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0026000D6F000098E9B87569
20:13:23.138 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:684]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F000099675B command:DEVICE_ROLECALL_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0018000D6F000099675B01F30B
20:13:23.143 ERROR o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:473]- Plugwise protocol message error: # APSRequestNodeInfo: Source MAC: 000D6F0000B84DAB# APSRequestNodeInfo: Destination MAC:
20:13:23.165 ERROR o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:470]- Plugwise protocol header error: 000D in message 000D6F000098E9B8
20:13:23.187 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:54 payload:00C1
20:13:23.213 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:55 payload:00C1
20:13:23.235 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:DEVICE_ROLECALL_RESPONSE sequence:55 payload:000D6F000099675BFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF01
20:13:23.411 DEBUG o.o.m.p.i.PersistenceModelActivator[:43]- Registered 'persistence' configuration parser
20:13:23.424 INFO o.o.m.c.i.ModelRepositoryImpl[:99]- Loading model 'demo.items'
20:13:23.565 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:DEVICE_INFORMATION_RESPONSE sequence:53 payload:000D6F000098E9B800049FDE0005476801856539090088024E0844C202
20:13:23.572 DEBUG o.o.m.i.i.GenericItemProvider[:154]- Read items from model 'demo.items'
20:13:23.586 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:684]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F000099675B command:POWER_INFORMATION_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0012000D6F000099675B1079
20:13:23.609 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:DEVICE_CALIBRATION_RESPONSE sequence:54 payload:000D6F000098E9B83F7DC3DBB61B661A3D63B08800000000
20:13:23.631 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:56 payload:00C1
20:13:23.659 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:POWER_INFORMATION_RESPONSE sequence:56 payload:000D6F000099675B00020013000006A9000000000000

and then these at the power:interval

20:13:38.587 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:684]- Sending Plugwise protocol data unit: attempts: 1 MAC:000D6F000099675B command:POWER_INFORMATION_REQUEST sequence:0 full HEX:0012000D6F000099675B1079
20:13:38.601 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:57 payload:00C1
20:13:38.815 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protoco...

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From [email protected] on September 24, 2013 03:29:41

...l data unit: command:POWER_INFORMATION_RESPONSE sequence:57 payload:000D6F000099675B00020013000006CD00000000000B
20:13:38.878 DEBUG o.o.b.plugwise.internal.Stick[:417]- Parsing Plugwise protocol data unit: command:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT sequence:57 payload:00E1

yielding these kind of Item updates

2013-09-23 20:15:10 - wattage state updated to 4.447669
2013-09-23 20:15:12 - wattage state updated to 4.447669
2013-09-23 20:15:27 - wattage state updated to 6.565218

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From [email protected] on September 25, 2013 06:46:40

Hi Karel,

I've got interesting news regarding the issue.

I found another user with the same problem when he switched to openHAB 1.3 ( (German only)).

A simple touch command on the items definition file puts the Plugwise Binding back to work! You have to do this every time you restart openHAB. It's a little dirty workaround for every user affected by this.

Hope you can find the root cause with this new information. Or maybe Kai has some idea what change in openHAB could have caused such a problem.


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From [email protected] on October 08, 2013 13:03:55

root cause found, will produce a fix shortly

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From kai.openhab on October 13, 2013 11:42:23

Should be fixed with #40

Status: Fixed
Labels: Version-1.4.0

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From [email protected] on October 13, 2013 23:09:08

Test successful. Everything is working as expected.



nikil511 pushed a commit to nikil511/openhab that referenced this issue Nov 21, 2013
Issue openhab#456 - Various fixes of Plugwise binding
nikil511 pushed a commit to nikil511/openhab that referenced this issue Nov 21, 2013
and fix issue openhab#456 (see latest comment of issue, should be tested by
affected users)
nikil511 pushed a commit to nikil511/openhab that referenced this issue Nov 21, 2013
Change Plugwise Binding from AbstractBinding to AbstractActiveBinding + Fix issue openhab#456
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