The aim of this plugin is to provide modern UI infrastructure for UI developers working on ManageIQ
- Allow per plugin package.json to include your own kind of dependencies.
- Supports webpack based development with hot live reload (Core feature - PR at ManageIQ/manageiq-ui-classic#2545)
- Uses React component registry (currently from - it's aim is have an official API how to publish top level reuseable components and how to consume them across multiple plugins.
- Uses ReactJS
- Uses patternfly-react
- Uses ReactRouter and integration with rails routes so it can refresh the URL back to the same page
- Uses Jest with snapshot testing
- Adds Patternfly list-view page as a demo
- Add Redux Support
- .. and much more :-)
You need to checkout manageiq, manageiq-ui-classic next to each other and setup the gem overrides.
Then you need to add this gem to your Gemfile or bundler.d/:
gem 'miq_experimental_ui', :path => File.expand_path('../../miq_experimental_ui/', __dir__)
You need this branch: