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Developer notes for oemof teams

Johannes Röder edited this page Apr 23, 2020 · 5 revisions

What is a team?

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write/push access which means "Who belongs to which team and who decides who belongs?"

  • je library ein Team + oemof (Orga) + oemof-namespace
  • Zuteilung zu Teams
  • Konsensentscheidung bei neuen Mitgliedern ....

Only team members have the right to merge pull requests into the current dev branch.

How to review and merging rules

We have decided for the following workflow for revising and merging pull requests.

After creating a pull request time is running as follows:

  • Profound changes: team members have 15 workdays for commenting, revising and merging; afterwards consensus (which includes a silent consensus) with the right to merge (only for team members)
  • New features: team members have 10 workdays for commenting, revising and merging; afterwards consensus (which includes a silent consensus) with the right to merge (only for team members)
  • Large substantial bug fix: four-eyes-principle (pull request needed)
  • Small bug fix: decision by oneself (pull request not needed)
  • Typos: fix directly in dev branch (fast forward allowed)

Review and approve pull requests:

  • Two developers should approve an external pull request
  • At least one developer should approve an internal pull request

How to release


release cycle ??

Agreements on real life meetings and web conferences

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  • halbjährliches Real life meeting + halbjährliche Webkonferenz (zeitlich versetzt)
  • Teams können eigene Webkonferenzen machen und sprechen sich hierzu separat ab
  • Themenbezogene Webkonferenzen nach Absprache
  • Evtl. Themenschwerpunkte beim Realtreffen mit partieller Teilnahme