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DBFlow 3.0 Migration Guide

DBFlow has undergone the most significant changes in its lifetime in 3.0. This guide is meant to assist you in migrating from 2.1.x and above and may not be fully inclusive of all changes. This doc will mention the most glaring and significant changes. If in doubt, consult the usage2 docs.

A significant portion of the changes include the complete overhaul of the underlying annotation processor, leading to wonderful improvements in maintainability of the code, readability, and stability of the generated code. Now it uses the updated JavaPoet vs the outdated JavaWriter. The changes in this library alone significantly helps out the stability of the generated code.

Some Changes to Note:

  1. update no longer attempts to insert if it fails.
  2. Package private fields from other packages are now automatically accessible via generated _Helper classes. The referenced fields must be annotated with @Column, @PrimaryKey, or @ForeignKey. if its a legacy ForeignKeyReference, referendFieldIsPackagePrivate() must be set to true.
  3. @Column no longer required in conjunction with @PrimaryKey or @ForeignKey
  4. Can now have DBFlow in multiple modules, libraries, etc via "Modules"!
  5. TransactionManager has been replaced with a new per-database BaseTransactionManager. Each DB has its own DBTransactionQueue and you can replace the default with your own system. Also, no longer is this priority-based, but rather order-based. See more here

This doc is to provide some basic examples of what has changed, but read all of the new usage docs! Starting with Intro

Table Of Contents

  1. Initialization
  2. Database + Table Structure
  3. Transactions Overhaul
  4. Properties
  5. ModelContainers
  6. ModelViews
  7. Caching
  8. Database Modules


Previously DBFlow was intialized via:

public class ExampleApplication extends Application {

    public void onCreate() {

Now we use the FlowConfig.Builder:

public class ExampleApplication extends Application {

    public void onCreate() {
        FlowManager.init(new FlowConfig.Builder(this).build());

See more of what you can customize here

Database And Table Structure

Database changes

The default generatedClassSeparator is now _ instead of $ to play nice with Kotlin by default. A simple addition of:

@Database(generatedClassSeparator = "$")

will keep your generated "Table" and other classes the same name.

Globally, we no longer reference what @Database any database-specific element (Table, Migration, etc) by String name, but by Class now.


@Table(databaseName = AppDatabase.NAME)
@Migration(databaseName = AppDatabase.NAME)


@Table(database = AppDatabase.class)
@Migration(database = AppDatabase.class)

Why: We decided that referencing it directly by class name enforces type-safety and direct enforcement of the database placeholder class. Previously,

@Table(databaseName = "AppDatabase")

was a valid specifier, which might lead to typos or errors.

Table Changes

@Table have some significant changes.

Private boolean fields by default have changed. useIsForPrivateBooleans() has changed to useBooleanGetterSetters(). By default this is enabled, meaning boolean variables follow the convention:

private boolean isEnabled;

public boolean isEnabled() {
  return isEnabled;

public void setEnabled(boolean isEnabled) {
  this.isEnabled = isEnabled;

Instead of generating just String column name within a corresponding $Table class, it now generates Property fields. These fields are significantly smarter and more powerful. They considerably aid in the simplification of many complex queries and make the code in general more readable, type-safe, and just overall better. NOTE: the properties are no longer capitalized, rather they match exact casing of the Column name.

Previously, when you defined a class as:

@Table(databaseName = TestDatabase.NAME)
public class TestModel2 extends BaseModel {

  String name;

  @Column(name = "model_order")
  int order;

It generated a TestModel2$Table class:

public final class TestModel2_Table {

  public static final String NAME = "name";

  public static final String MODEL_ORDER = "model_order";

Now when you define a class, it generates a definition as follows:

public final class TestModel2_Table {
  public static final Property<String> name = new Property<String>(TestModel2.class, "name");

  public static final IntProperty model_order = new IntProperty(TestModel2.class, "model_order");

  public static final IProperty[] getAllColumnProperties() {
   return new IProperty[]{name,model_order};

  public static BaseProperty getProperty(String columnName) {
    columnName = QueryBuilder.quoteIfNeeded(columnName);
    switch (columnName)  {
      case "`name`":  {
        return name;
      case "`model_order`":  {
        return model_order;
      default:  {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid column name passed. Ensure you are calling the correct table's column");

Each Property now is used for each all references to a column in query statements.

The getProperty() method allows to keep compatibility with the old format, solve some ContentProvider compatibility issues, or allow looking up Property by key.

To read on how these properties interact read "Properties, Conditions, Queries, Replacement of ConditionQueryBuilder and more".

Index changes

Added was an IndexGroup[] of indexGroups().

Now we can generate IndexProperty (see properties for more information), which provide us a convenient generated Index to use for the table. This then is used in a queries that rely on indexes and make it dead simple to activate and deactivate indexes.

A class written like:

@Table(database = TestDatabase.class,
        indexGroups = {
                @IndexGroup(number = 1, name = "firstIndex"),
                @IndexGroup(number = 2, name = "secondIndex"),
                @IndexGroup(number = 3, name = "thirdIndex")
public class IndexModel2 extends BaseModel {

    @Index(indexGroups = {1, 2, 3})
    int id;

    @Index(indexGroups = 1)
    String first_name;

    @Index(indexGroups = 2)
    String last_name;

    @Index(indexGroups = {1, 3})
    Date created_date;

    @Index(indexGroups = {2, 3})
    boolean isPro;

Generates in its "Table" class:

public final class IndexModel2_Table {
  //...previous code omitted

  public static final IndexProperty<IndexModel2> index_firstIndex = new IndexProperty<>("firstIndex", false, IndexModel2.class, id, first_name, created_date);

  public static final IndexProperty<IndexModel2> index_secondIndex = new IndexProperty<>("secondIndex", false, IndexModel2.class, id, last_name, isPro);

  public static final IndexProperty<IndexModel2> index_thirdIndex = new IndexProperty<>("thirdIndex", false, IndexModel2.class, id, created_date, isPro);

Foreign Key Changes

@ForeignKey fields no longer need to specify it's references or the @Column annotation!!! The old way still works, but is no longer necessary for Model-based ForeignKeys. The annotation processor takes the primary keys of the referenced table and generates a column with {fieldName}_{referencedColumnName} that represents the same SQLite Type of the field.
Note: that is not backwards compatible with apps already with references.

Going forward with new tables, you can leave them out.


@Table(database = TestDatabase.class)
public class ForeignInteractionModel extends TestModel1 {

            onDelete = ForeignKeyAction.CASCADE,
            onUpdate = ForeignKeyAction.CASCADE,
            references =
                    {@ForeignKeyReference(columnName = "testmodel_id",
                                          foreignColumnName = "name",
                                          columnType = String.class),
                            @ForeignKeyReference(columnName = "testmodel_type",
                                                 foreignColumnName = "type",
                                                 columnType = String.class)},
            saveForeignKeyModel = false)
    ForeignKeyContainer<ParentModel> testModel1;


@Table(database = TestDatabase.class)
public class ForeignInteractionModel extends TestModel1 {

            onDelete = ForeignKeyAction.CASCADE,
            onUpdate = ForeignKeyAction.CASCADE,
            saveForeignKeyModel = false)
    ForeignKeyContainer<ParentModel> testModel1;

The result is significantly cleaner and less overhead to maintain.

If you wish to keep old references, please keep in mind that foreignColumnName is now foreignKeyColumnName.

Transactions Overhaul

In 3.0, Transactions got a serious facelift and should be easier to use and handle. Also their logic and use are much more consolidated a focused. There is no longer just one TransactionManager, rather each database has its own instance so that operations between databases don't interfere.

Inserting Data

The format of how to declare them has changed: Previously to run a transaction, you had to set it up as so:

ProcessModelInfo<SomeModel> processModelInfo = ProcessModelInfo<SomeModel>.withModels(models)
TransactionManager.getInstance().addTransaction(new SaveModelTransaction<>(processModelInfo))
TransactionManager.getInstance().addTransaction(new UpdateModelListTransaction<>(processModelInfo))
TransactionManager.getInstance().addTransaction(new DeleteModelListTransaction<>(processModelInfo))

In 3.0, we have dropped the individual transaction types, use a new builder notation, and with every Transaction you get completion and error handling:

          .beginTransactionAsync(new ProcessModelTransaction.Builder<>(
          new ProcessModelTransaction.ProcessModel<Model>() {
              public void processModel(Model model) {

          .error(new Transaction.Error() {
              public void onError(Transaction transaction, Throwable error) {

          .success(new Transaction.Success() {
              public void onSuccess(Transaction transaction) {


One thing to note about the Transaction.Error is that if specified, all exceptions are caught and passed to the callback, otherwise any exception that happens in the Transaction system gets thrown.

You still can use the DBBatchSaveQueue for batch saves:



In 3.0:


Querying Data

Previously when you queried data you have a few different classes that did almost same thing such as SelectListTransaction, BaseResultTransaction, QueryTransaction, etc. 3.0 consolidates these into much simpler operations via:


TransactionManager.getInstance().addTransaction(new SelectListTransaction<>(new TransactionListenerAdapter<TestModel.class>() {
    public void onResultReceived(List<TestModel> testModels) {

  }, TestModel.class, condition1, condition2,..);

In 3.0:

            new QueryTransaction.Builder<>(
                .queryResult(new QueryTransaction.QueryResultCallback<TestModel1>() {
                    public void onQueryResult(QueryTransaction transaction, @NonNull CursorResult<TestModel1> result) {


The QueryResultCallback gives back a CursorResult, which is a wrapper around abstract Cursor that lets you retrieve easily Models from that cursor:

List<TestModel1> models = result.toListClose();
TestModel1 singleModel = result.toModelClose();

Just ensure that you close the Cursor.

Callback Changes

With 3.0, we modified the callback for a Transaction. Instead of having the 3 methods:

public interface TransactionListener<ResultClass> {

    void onResultReceived(ResultClass result);

    boolean onReady(BaseTransaction<ResultClass> transaction);

    boolean hasResult(BaseTransaction<ResultClass> transaction, ResultClass result);


Each Transaction automatically gives you ability to handle callbacks:

          .beginTransactionAsync(new ITransaction() {
                public void execute(DatabaseWrapper databaseWrapper) {
                    // do anything you want here.
          .error(new Transaction.Error() {
              public void onError(Transaction transaction, Throwable error) {

          .success(new Transaction.Success() {
              public void onSuccess(Transaction transaction) {


For more usage on the new system, including the ability to roll your own TransactionManager, visit Transactions


Perhaps the most significant external change to this library is making queries, conditions, and interactions with the database much stricter and more type-safe.


Properties replace String column names generated in the "$Table" classes. They also match exact case to the column name. They have methods that generate Condition that drastically simplify queries. (Please note the Condition class has moved to the .language package).

Properties are represented by the interface IProperty which are subclassed into Property<T>, Method, and the primitive properties (IntProperty, CharProperty, etc).

Properties can also be represented by values via the PropertyFactory class, enabling values to appear first in queries:

PropertyFactory.from(5l) // generates LongProperty
PropertyFactory.from(5d) // generates DoubleProperty
PropertyFactory.from("Hello") // generates Property<String>
PropertyFactory.from(Date.class, someDate) // generates Property<Date>

It will become apparent why this change was necessary with some examples:

A non-simple query by SQLite standards:

SELECT `name` AS `employee_name`, AVG(`salary`) AS `average_salary`, `order`, SUM(`salary`) as `sum_salary`
  FROM `SomeTable`
  WHERE `salary` > 150000


List<SomeQueryTable> items =
  new Select(ColumnAlias.column(SomeTable$Table.NAME).as("employee_name"),
    ColumnAlias.columnsWithFunction("AVG", SomeTable$Table.SALARY).as("average_salary"),
    ColumnAlias.columnsWithFunction("SUM", SomeTable$Table.SALARY).as("sum_salary"))

Now (with static import on SomeTable_Table and Method ):

List<SomeQueryTable> items ="employee_name"),

The code instantly becomes cleaner, and reads more like an actual query.

Replacement of the ConditionQueryBuilder

ConditionQueryBuilder was fundamentally flawed. It represented a group of Condition, required a Table, yet extended QueryBuilder, meaning arbitrary String information could be appended to it, leading to potential for messy piece of query.

It has been replaced with the ConditionGroup class. This class represents an arbitrary group of SQLCondition in which it's sole purpose is to group together SQLCondition. Even better a ConditionGroup itself is a SQLCondition, meaning it can nest inside of other ConditionGroup to allow complicated and insane queries.

Now you can take this:

SELECT FROM `SomeTable` WHERE 0 < `latitude` AND (`longitude` > 50 OR `longitude` < 25) AND `name`='MyHome'

and turn it into:


Now ModelContainer objects have a multitude of type-safe methods to ensure that they can convert their contained object's data into the field they associate with. What this means is that if our Model has a long field, while the data object for the ModelContainer has a Integer object. Previously, we would get a classcastexception. Now what it does is "coerce" the value into the type you need. Supported Types:

  1. Integer/int
  2. Double/Double
  3. Boolean/boolean
  4. Short/short
  5. Long/long
  6. Float/Float
  7. String
  8. Blob/byte[]/Byte[]
  9. Byte/byte
  10. Using TypeConverter to retrieve value safely.

You can now queryModelContainer from the database to retrieve a single Model into ModelContainer format instead of into Model and then ModelContainer:

JSONModel model = JSONModel());
JSONObject json = model.getData();
// has data now

For the toModel() conversion/parse method from ModelContainer to Model, you can now:

  1. Have @Column excluded from it via excludeFromToModelMethod()
  2. include other fields in the method as well by adding the @ContainerKey annotation to them.


No longer do we need to specify the query for the ModelView in the annotation without ability to use the wrappper classes. We define a @ModelViewQuery field to use and then it simply becomes:

    public static final Query QUERY = new Select(AModel_Table.time)

What this means is that its easier than before to use Views.


I significantly revamped model caching in this release to make it easier, support more tables, and more consistent. Some of the significant changes:

Previously you needed to extend BaseCacheableModel to enable model caching. No longer! The code that was there now generates in the corresponding ModelAdapter by setting cachingEnabled = true in the @Table annotation.


@Table(databaseName = TestDatabase.NAME)
public class CacheableModel extends BaseCacheableModel {

    @PrimaryKey(autoincrement = true)
    long id;

    String name;

    public int getCacheSize() {
        return 1000;


@Table(database = TestDatabase.class, cachingEnabled = true, cacheSize = 1000)
public class CacheableModel extends BaseModel {

    @PrimaryKey(autoincrement = true)
    long id;

    String name;

Also, you can now have caching objects with multiple primary keys!!!

Simply in your model class define a @MultiCacheField and now you can cache objects with multiple primary keys:

@Table(database = TestDatabase.class, cachingEnabled = true)
public class MultipleCacheableModel extends BaseModel {

    public static IMultiKeyCacheConverter<String> multiKeyCacheModel = new IMultiKeyCacheConverter<String>() {

        public String getCachingKey(@NonNull Object[] values) {
            return "(" + values[0] + "," + values[1] + ")";

    double latitude;

    double longitude;


Please note that the field must be of type IMultiKeyCacheConverter in order to compile and convert correctly. You must provide one, otherwise caching will not work. Also the return caching key must be unique, otherwise inconsistent results may occur from within the cache.

Database Modules

Now in DBFlow we have support for libraries, other subprojects, and more in general to all use DBFlow at the same time. The only requirement is that they specify an argument to apt in order to prevent clashes and the library loads the class during the initialization phase. To read on how to do this (fairly simply), please check it out here: (Database Modules)