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File metadata and controls

188 lines (127 loc) · 4.91 KB

Getting Started

This section describes how Models and tables are constructed via DBFlow. first let's describe how to get a database up and running.

Creating a Database

In DBFlow, creating a database is as simple as only a few lines of code. DBFlow supports any number of databases, however individual tables and other related files can only be associated with one database.

@Database(name = AppDatabase.NAME, version = AppDatabase.VERSION)
public class AppDatabase {

  public static final String NAME = "AppDatabase"; // we will add the .db extension

  public static final int VERSION = 1;

Writing this file generates (by default) a file, which contains tables, views, and more all tied to a specific database. This class is automatically placed into the main GeneratedDatabaseHolder, which holds potentially many databases. The name,, is generated via {DatabaseClassName}{DatabaseFileName}{GeneratedClassSepator, default = "_"}Database

To learn more about what you can configure in a database, read here

Initialize FlowManager

DBFlow needs an instance of Context in order to use it for a few features such as reading from assets, content observing, and generating ContentProvider.

Initialize in your Application subclass. You can also initialize it from other Context but we always grab the Application Context (this is done only once).

public class ExampleApplication extends Application {

    public void onCreate() {
        FlowManager.init(new FlowConfig.Builder(this).build());

Finally, add the definition to the manifest (with the name that you chose for your custom application):


A database within DBFlow is only initialized once you call FlowManager.getDatabase(SomeDatabase.class).getWritableDatabase(). If you don't want this behavior or prefer it to happen immediately, modify your FlowConfig:

public void onCreate() {
    FlowManager.init(new FlowConfig.Builder(this)

If you do not like the built-in DefaultTransactionManager, or just want to roll your own existing system:

FlowManager.init(new FlowConfig.Builder(this)
        new DatabaseConfig.Builder(AppDatabase.class)
            .transactionManager(new CustomTransactionManager())

You can define different kinds for each database. To read more on transactions and subclassing BaseTransactionManager go here

Create Models

All your database tables must implement Model, which is simply an interface:

public interface Model {

     * Saves the object in the DB.
    void save();

     * Deletes the object in the DB
    void delete();

     * Updates an object in the DB. Does not insert on failure.
    void update();

     * Inserts the object into the DB
    void insert();

     * @return true if this object exists in the DB. It combines all of it's primary key fields
     * into a SELECT query and checks to see if any results occur.
    boolean exists();

As a convenience (and recommended for most uses), you should extend BaseModel, which provides the default implementation. If for some reason you must implement Model, you should reference its implementation. Also you don't need to directly extend BaseModel, in fact you can extend other tables to combine their columns. However those fields must be package-private, public, or private with accessible java-bean getters and setters. To read more on this, read here.

An example:

@Table(database = TestDatabase.class)
public class Currency extends BaseModel {

    @PrimaryKey(autoincrement = true)
    long id; // package-private recommended, not required

    String symbol;

    String shortName;

    private String name; // private with getters and setters

    public String getName() {
      return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

Perform Some Queries

DBFlow uses expressive builders to represent and translate to the SQLite language.

A simple query in SQLite:

SELECT * FROM Currency WHERE symbol='$';

Can be represented by:

We support many kinds of complex and complicated queries using the builder language. To read more about this, see the wrapper language docs

There is much more you can do in DBFlow. Read through the other docs to get a sense of the library.