By the end of this course, you should be able to:
Login to USGS supercomputer Yeti from Windows or Mac machine
Define Yeti’s hardware, filesystems, and architecture
Version control code using basic Git commands
Navigate and manipulate filesystems on Yeti using basic Linux commands
Efficiently edit scripts using vi text editor
Define common workload manager SLURM flags
Load existing software and modules on Yeti
Submit jobs and request resources using SLURM scripts
Monitor queue and job status
- Introduction
- Motivation: Why use Yeti?
- What is a supercomputer?
- Yeti architecture (hardware and storage)
- Login to Yeti from Windows (with PuTTY) or Mac with SSH
- SLURM commands (flags in slurm script, squeue, etc)
- Yeti partitions
- Git
- Linux/Command Line
- Vi commands for file editing on Yeti
- file transfer to/from Yeti with scp command
- load modules on Yeti
- batch jobs (exercise submitting jobs)
- interactive jobs with salloc (exercise running jobs)
- SSH keys and sinteractive (MatLab example)
Go to Section 1: Introduction to ARC at USGS