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File metadata and controls

125 lines (73 loc) · 3.65 KB

Section 11: Editing files with vi

vi is a text editor that we will use to edit files on Yeti

You should already be in the examples directory. If not navigate there with cd ~/hpc-101-webinar/examples command.

$ ls

You should see distributedmemory_normal.slurm,,, and sharedmemory_UV.slurm files. Let's first copy to a new file that we can play with:

$ cp

To start vi editor, type

$ vi					# opens a file in vi editor

You should see the following:

from mpi4py import MPI
import sys

message = "Hello World!  I'm process %d of %d on %s.\n"

myrank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
numberproc = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()
procname = MPI.Get_processor_name()
sys.stdout.write(message % (myrank,numberproc,procname))

Lines that start with ~ mark unused lines.

To quit vi, type:


If you want to open a file at a certain line number, type:

$ vi +4 			# opens a file at line 4

You should see the curser now on line 4 instead of the first line.

When you open a file, vi is in Command mode by default. In command mode, you can navigate with arrows or by using h to move left, j to move down and k to move up, and l to move right through the file. You cannot actually type in Command mode.

To be able to type, switch from Command mode to Insert mode, press i. Once you press i, at the bottom of your terminal window, you should see:

-- INSERT -- 

To switch back to Command mode, press esc.

In Command mode:

w - To move the curser to the start of the next word, exclusing its first character

e - To move the curser to the end of the current word, including the last character

$ - To jump to the end of the line

0 or ^ - To jump to beginning of the line

d w - To delete the letters of the current word until the end excluding space

u - To undo an action

d e - To delete the letters of the current word until the end including the space

d $ - To delete the letters until the end of the line

dd - To delete the current line in a file

3 dd - To delete 3 lines (the current line where your cursor is on and 2 lines below)

. - To repeat the command

yy - To copy the current line

3 yy- To copy 3 lines

p - To paste copied line below the current line

/search - To search the file top to bottom. Then, press n to show next match top to bottom or Shift + n to search in reverse bottom to top.

?search - To search bottom to top. Press n to show the next match (bottom to top). Press Shift + n to search top to bottom.

o - To insert new line below the current line

O - To insert new line above the current line

r - To replace a character under the curser

x - delete a character

8 Shift + g - To jump to a line number 40 (or :8)

G - To jump to the last line in the file

:history - To display command history

:%s/abc/xyz/g - replace abc with xyz in entire file

:w - To save a file (:w! to save forcefully)

:wq - To save and quit (:wq! to save and quit forcefully)

Go to Section 12: using scp command to copy local files to Yeti