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Nick Stapleton edited this page Jun 10, 2019 · 5 revisions

IWeapon - Weapon Interface

Each piece of geometry has a weapon, think of player in Call of Duty has a gun. Each weapon has an associate IProjectile that is used to spawn new projectiles. If you want to make special ammunition, new weapons, etc., see DotProjectile.cs for an example.



  1. IWeapon -> DotWeapon, LineWeapon, ...


namespace Weapon.Command
    public interface IWeapon
        void init(IGeo GeoOwner, AudioClip Sound,
                  float Damage = 1, float Pierce = 0, float Rate = 0.125f, float lifeTime = 2.5f);

        // Sets the damage and piercing
        void SetDamage(float Damage, float Piercing);

        // Fires a projectile.
        void Fire(Vector3 movementDir, Vector3 pos, float push, float SpawnOffset);

        // Returns the IGeo owner of the weapon.
        IGeo GetOwner();

        // Sets the owner of the weapon.
        void SetOwner(IGeo geo);


From GeoObject.Start()

If the prefab in the level editor has an Initial Weapon initialized. ie, this is used for the player.

if (InitWeapon != null)
    ActiveGun = Instantiate(InitWeapon);
    IWeapon ptr = ActiveGun.GetComponents<IWeapon>()[0];

From DotObject.Start()

If the Dot doesn't have an active gun the copy the prefab and initialize it.

if (ActiveGun == null)
    // Add the weapon.
    ActiveGun = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Player Items/Dot Gun")) as GameObject;
    DotWeapon dotGun = ActiveGun.GetComponents<IWeapon>()[0] as DotWeapon;
    dotGun.init(this, Resources.Load<AudioClip>(Dot_Shoot_Soundfile), DotDamage, DotPiercing, FireRate);