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Releases: natverse/flycircuit

dpscanon flycircuit data release

20 Jan 16:54
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A canned version of the flycircuit neurons in dotprops format as a single zip file. Use this together with load_si_data as a faster alternative to downloading all neurons one by one.

datadir=attr(dpscanon, 'db')@dir
# this should look something like 
# [1] "/Users/jefferis/Library/Application Support/rpkg-flycircuit/data/data"
# unzip neurons to that folder
unzip(zipfile = '', exdir = datadir, overwrite = F)

flycircuit 0.6.9

20 Jan 12:30
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  • new functions fc_read_neurons() to read traced skeletons from the flycircuit
    website, fc_get_ids() to get a list of neuron identifiers,
    fc_page() to see the details page for a neuron (#44)
    (thanks to @alexanderbates)
  • Fix by updating to nat.flybrains version (#43)
  • switch to natverse github organisation

flycircuit 0.6.8

19 May 17:07
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flycircuit 0.6.8

  • Ensure that flycircuit package can be installed from github with development
    versions of all its dependencies (fixes to github remotes etc). This was as a
    result of difficulties installing on the VFB opencpu docker instance.
  • dev: fixes to travis build configuration (switch to non sudo trusty dist)

flycircuit 0.6.7

19 May 17:07
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flycircuit 0.6.7

  • Update annotation database (1 August 2016, now 7021 NeuronType annotations)

flycircuit 0.6.6

19 May 17:08
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flycircuit 0.6.6

  • Add fc_neuron_type
  • Add online docs with pkgdown
  • Insist on nat >= 1.8.8

flycircuit 0.6.5

19 May 17:08
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flycircuit 0.6.5

  • update annotation database (1 April 2015, now 6565 NeuronType annotations)
  • add fc_glom function to find antennal lobe glomeruli for fc neurons
  • dev: update to roxygen2 v4.1.1

flycircuit 0.6.4

  • update annotation database


27 Mar 19:08
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Bump version to 0.6.3