Monorepo to manage MyMonero npm packages
⚠️ This project is under heavy development. Expect bugs & breaking changes.
No breaking changes have been made to any packages besides @mymonero/mymonero-monero-client.
For users of @mymonero/mymonero-monero-client, the following changes have been made:
Version 2.2.0 and onwards have changed from having separate MyMoneroClient_WASM.wasm and MyMoneroClient_WASM.js, and now unify the WASM and .js file together.
For webpack users, if you had a script set up to copy the WASM as part of your build process, this should be removed from your webpack.config.js file.
Otherwise, any users of the mymonero-monero-client library should not need to change anything on their side unless you were loading the WASM using a custom method different to our documentation.
While we've made every effort to remain backwards compatible, please let us know if you experience any issues.
For information pertaining to how each release is created, please refer to in the "docs" folder