Repo to manage MyMoneroClient Web Assembly
⚠️ This project is under heavy development. Expect bugs & breaking changes.
If you would like to generate the WASM files yourself you will require docker
- Clone the repo
git clone
cd packages/mymonero-monero-client
rm -rf build
removes the old build folder if you have run a build previously.rm src/MyMoneroClient_*
removes the old WASM before your new build../
to fetch the monero core code and the mymonero bridging code.npm run build
initiates the emscripten docker image to build the project.
By following these instructions, new WASM library is generated and copied to the src folder
No breaking changes have been made to any packages besides @mymonero/mymonero-monero-client.
For users of @mymonero/mymonero-monero-client, the following changes have been made:
Version 2.2.0 and onwards have changed from having separate MyMoneroClient_WASM.wasm and MyMoneroClient_WASM.js, and now unify the WASM and .js file together.
For webpack users, if you had a script set up to copy the WASM as part of your build process, this should be removed from your webpack.config.js file.
Otherwise, any users of the mymonero-monero-client library should not need to change anything on their side unless you were loading the WASM using a custom method different to our documentation.
While we've made every effort to remain backwards compatible, please let us know if you experience any issues.
You can install the WASM and javascript bridging code via npm.
npm i @mymonero/mymonero-monero-client
Initialize the WABridge class which loads and prepares the WebAssembly. The WABridge has helper methods for each of the calls allowing for linting and improved error handling
const WABridge = await require('@mymonero/mymonero-monero-client')({})
Creates a new wallet using the Language and Locale and Network Type. Only the prefix is checked e.g. en-UK, en-US will match to English.
- English - en
- Dutch - nl
- French - fr
- Spanish - es
- Portuguese - pt
- Japanese - ja
- Italian - it
- German - de
- Russian - ru
- Chinese, simplified - zh
- Esperanto - eo
- Lojban - jbo
const result = WABridge.generateWallet('en-US', 'MAINNET')
Provided mnemonic seed phrase it will return the primary address and keys.
const result = WABridge.seedAndKeysFromMnemonic(
'foxe selfish hum nexus juven dodeg pepp ember biscuti elap jazz vibrate biscui',
Used to validate the users keys for accessing the wallet. Requires the address, private view key and private spend key.
isValidKeys(address, privateViewKey, privateSpendKey)
const result = WABridge.isValidKeys(
Generates a new random short payment ID string.
const paymentId = WABridge.generatePaymentId()
Decodes the address to access public spend key, public view key, whether it is a subaddress and payment ID.
const result = WABridge.decodeAddress(
Compares two mnemonic phrases against each other.
const result = WABridge.compareMnemonics(
'foxe selfish hum nexus juven dodeg pepp ember biscuti elap jazz vibrate biscui',
'fox sel hum nex juv dod pep emb bis ela jaz vib bis'
Checks if the provided address is a integrated address. returns a boolean value. This is a helper function for decodeAddress. If the address is not a subaddress and has a payment id it will return true.
const result = WABridge.isIntegratedAddress(
Checks if the provided address is a subaddress. returns a boolean value. This is a helper function for decodeAddress. If the address decode returns is a subaddress it will return true.
const result = WABridge.isSubaddress(
Generate a new intergrated address using address and payment ID. Accepts a primary addresss and a short payment id. subaddresses cannot be paired with a payment id.
const result = WABridge.newIntegratedAddress(
Provided a hexadecimal seed it will return primary address and keys.
const result = WABridge.addressAndKeysFromSeed(
Provided a hexadecimal seed it will return a mnemonic seed phrase.
const result = WABridge.mnemonicFromSeed(
Calculates an estimated transaction fee. Its based on two outputs being used. The fees per byte value can be retrieved from the get_unspent_outs MM server call.
const result = WABridge.estimateTxFee(1, 6000)
Generates key image for an output. returns the key image for the tx public key and output index. generateKeyImage (txPublicKey, privateViewKey, publicSpendKey, privateSpendKey, outputIndex)
const result = WABridge.generateKeyImage(
Creates a raw transaction from the options provided. This Tx needs to be sent on to the light wallet server for broadcast. Multiple destination transactions do not support payment ids. Only one destination can be set if there is an associated payment id. This includes integrated addresses. Subaddresses and primary desitnations can be mixed within a single transaction.
const options = {
destinations: [
'to_address': '42ddLnxquN84kpfmEpL8FxdBw32BGuwagXSz6xRSAUA2e7dupTS1FxP3vo1iPBA2doHPwJUpE7WVCMutnfwVMtVAKoaEA8X',
'send_amount': '0.0001'
priority: 1,
address: '46kDcL7a9uVQojKQWqxqZUg9cKuffJvjYhbjbybxV46oNZm3Pa7qX9YWXC6vjAnyr3NrMFWvGjj7GUNVrQM9itGC5npKFD8',
privateViewKey: 'f9f3aa647a5cce9ed896936b7f500b6bf87f48d4e092692c07fe824743a2d402',
publicSpendKey: '872d28c53d4f2c8e532b445a4d4193ea0d9d72b25695dff2b98bfd82e113cc80',
privateSpendKey: '9efdc2250dcea2babdf2d8463185234e97b0bebdb0bd313134254316b708f40f',
shouldSweep: false,
paymentId: '',
nettype: 'MAINNET',
unspentOuts: unspentOuts,
randomOutsCb: function () {
return {
amount_outs: [
{ amount: '0', outputs: [] },
{ amount: '0', outputs: [] }
.then(function (result) {
for license.
All source code copyright © 2022 by MyMonero. All rights reserved.