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Merge pull request #898 from CraigFe/improve-cli
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Add CLI options for setting the hash function
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samoht authored Nov 22, 2019
2 parents 53d76af + 8a69a1e commit 444e03e
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Showing 6 changed files with 268 additions and 46 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
### Unreleased

#### Added

- **irmin-unix**:
- Added a `--hash` parameter to the command-line interface, allowing the hash
function to be specified. For BLAKE2b and BLAKE2s, the bit-length may be
specified with a trailing slash, as in `--hash=blake2b/16`. The `hash`
function may also be specified in the configuration file. (#898, @craigfe)

- **irmin**:
- Added `Irmin.Hash.Make_BLAKE2B` and `Irmin.Hash.Make_BLAKE2S` functors for
customizing the bit-length of these hash functions. (#898, @craigfe)

#### Changed

- **irmin-pack**:
- Changed the bit-length of serialized hashes from 60 to 30. (#897,

### 2.0.0

#### Added
Expand Down
243 changes: 201 additions & 42 deletions src/irmin-unix/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ let opt_key k = key k (Irmin.Private.Conf.default k)

let config_path_key =
Irmin.Private.Conf.key ~docs:global_option_section ~docv:"PATH"
~doc:"Allows configuration file to be specified on the command-line"
~doc:"Allows configuration file to be specified on the command-line."
"config" Irmin.Private.Conf.string "irmin.yml"

let ( / ) = Filename.concat
Expand All @@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ module Contents = struct
("json_value", (module Irmin.Contents.Json_value));

let default = ref (module Irmin.Contents.String : Irmin.Contents.S)
let default = "string" |> fun n -> ref (n, List.assoc n !all)

let add name ?default:(x = false) m =
all := (name, m) :: !all;
if x then default := m
if x then default := (name, m)

let find name =
match List.assoc_opt (String.Ascii.lowercase name) !all with
Expand All @@ -93,26 +93,168 @@ module Contents = struct
failwith msg

let term =
let content_types = !all |> (fun (name, _) -> (name, name)) in
let kind =
let doc = ~doc:"The type of user-defined contents."
~docs:global_option_section [ "contents"; "c" ]
Fmt.strf "The type of user-defined contents (%s). Default is `%s'."
(Arg.doc_alts_enum content_types)
(fst !default)
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & doc)
let arg_info = ~doc ~docs:global_option_section [ "contents"; "c" ]
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & arg_info)
let create kind = kind in
Term.(const create $ kind)

type contents = Contents.t

module Hash = struct
type t = (module Irmin.Hash.S)

type hash_function = Fixed of t | Variable_size of (int option -> t)

module type SIZEABLE = functor
(S : sig
val digest_size : int
-> Irmin.Hash.S

let variable_size (module Make : SIZEABLE) (module Default : Irmin.Hash.S) =
| Some s ->
( module struct
include Make (struct
let digest_size = s
end : Irmin.Hash.S )
| None -> (module Default))

let all =
( "blake2b",
(module Irmin.Hash.Make_BLAKE2B : SIZEABLE)
(module Irmin.Hash.BLAKE2B : Irmin.Hash.S) );
( "blake2s",
(module Irmin.Hash.Make_BLAKE2S : SIZEABLE)
(module Irmin.Hash.BLAKE2S : Irmin.Hash.S) );
("rmd160", Fixed (module Irmin.Hash.RMD160 : Irmin.Hash.S));
("sha1", Fixed (module Irmin.Hash.SHA1 : Irmin.Hash.S));
("sha224", Fixed (module Irmin.Hash.SHA224 : Irmin.Hash.S));
("sha256", Fixed (module Irmin.Hash.SHA256 : Irmin.Hash.S));
("sha384", Fixed (module Irmin.Hash.SHA384 : Irmin.Hash.S));
("sha512", Fixed (module Irmin.Hash.SHA512 : Irmin.Hash.S));

let default = ref ("blake2b", (module Irmin.Hash.BLAKE2B : Irmin.Hash.S))

let add name ?default:(x = false) m =
all := (name, Fixed m) :: !all;
if x then default := (name, m)

let find_hashfn name =
match List.assoc_opt (String.Ascii.lowercase name) !all with
| Some c -> c
| None ->
let valid = String.concat ~sep:", " (List.split !all |> fst) in
let msg =
Printf.sprintf "Invalid hash function: %s. Expected one of: %s." name
failwith msg

let of_specifier hashname =
let ( >>= ) x f = match x with Ok x -> f x | Error _ as e -> e in
( match String.cut ~rev:true ~sep:"/" hashname with
| Some (hashname, size) -> (
match int_of_string_opt size with
| Some size -> Ok (hashname, Some size)
| None ->
Error (`Msg (Fmt.strf "Non-numeric hash size %s passed" size)) )
| None -> Ok (hashname, None) )
>>= fun (hashname, size_opt) ->
match (find_hashfn hashname, size_opt) with
| Variable_size hashfn, size_opt -> Ok (hashfn size_opt)
| Fixed hashfn, None -> Ok hashfn
| Fixed _, Some size ->
"Cannot specify a size for hash function `%s' (%d passed)."
hashname size))

let find h =
of_specifier h |> function Ok h -> h | Error (`Msg e) -> failwith e

let hash_function_conv : t Cmdliner.Arg.conv =
Arg.conv (of_specifier, Fmt.nop)

let term =
let kind =
let quote s = Fmt.strf "`%s'" s in
let hash_types = !all |> (fun (name, _) -> (name, name)) in
let variable_size_types =
|> List.filter (function
| _, Variable_size _ -> true
| _, Fixed _ -> false)
|> fst
let pp_prose_list =
Fmt.of_to_string (function
| [] -> ""
| [ h ] -> quote h
| hs ->
let rev_hs = List.rev hs in
Fmt.strf "%s and %s"
(String.concat ~sep:", " (List.rev_map quote ( rev_hs)))
(quote (List.hd rev_hs)))
let pp_plural =
Fmt.of_to_string (function _ :: _ :: _ -> "s" | _ -> "")
let pp_variable_size_doc ppf = function
| [] -> ()
| _ :: _ as hs -> ppf
The bit-length of the hash function%a %a may optionally be set \
with a trailing slash (e.g. `%s/16')."
pp_plural hs pp_prose_list hs (List.hd hs)
let doc =
Fmt.strf "The hash function (%s). Default is `%s'.%a"
(Arg.doc_alts_enum hash_types)
(fst !default) pp_variable_size_doc variable_size_types
let arg_info = ~doc ~docs:global_option_section [ "hash"; "h" ]
Arg.(value & opt (some hash_function_conv) None & arg_info)
let create kind = kind in
Term.(const create $ kind)

type hash = Hash.t

(* Store *)

module Store = struct
type remote_fn = ?headers:Cohttp.Header.t -> string -> Irmin.remote

type t = T : (module Irmin.S) * remote_fn option -> t

type store_functor =
| Fixed_hash of (contents -> t)
| Variable_hash of (hash -> contents -> t)

module type G = sig
include Irmin.S

Expand All @@ -123,12 +265,12 @@ module Store = struct

let v_git (module S : G) = v (module S) ~remote:S.remote

let create : (module Irmin.S_MAKER) -> contents -> t =
fun (module S) (module C) ->
let create : (module Irmin.S_MAKER) -> hash -> contents -> t =
fun (module S) (module H) (module C) ->
let module S =
S (Irmin.Metadata.None) (C) (Irmin.Path.String_list)
T ((module S), None)

Expand All @@ -153,20 +295,20 @@ module Store = struct
let all =
("git", git);
("git-mem", git_mem);
("irf", irf);
("mem", mem);
("http", fun c -> http (mem c));
("http.git", fun c -> http (git c));
("pack", pack);
("git", Fixed_hash git);
("git-mem", Fixed_hash git_mem);
("irf", Variable_hash irf);
("mem", Variable_hash mem);
("http", Variable_hash (fun h c -> http (mem h c)));
("http.git", Fixed_hash (fun c -> http (git c)));
("pack", Variable_hash pack);

let default = ref git
let default = "git" |> fun n -> ref (n, List.assoc n !all)

let add name ?default:(x = false) m =
all := (name, m) :: !all;
if x then default := m
if x then default := (name, m)

let find name =
match List.assoc_opt (String.Ascii.lowercase name) !all with
Expand All @@ -181,14 +323,19 @@ module Store = struct

let term =
let store =
let store_types = !all |> (fun (name, _) -> (name, name)) in
let doc = ~doc:"The storage backend." ~docs:global_option_section
[ "s"; "store" ]
Fmt.strf "The storage backend (%s). Default is `%s'."
(Arg.doc_alts_enum store_types)
(fst !default)
let arg_info = ~doc ~docs:global_option_section [ "s"; "store" ]
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & doc)
Arg.(value & opt (some (enum store_types)) None & arg_info)
let create store contents = (store, contents) in
Term.(const create $ store $ Contents.term)
let create store hash contents = (store, hash, contents) in
Term.(const create $ store $ Hash.term $ Contents.term)

(* Config *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,31 +374,40 @@ type store =
(module Irmin.S with type t = 'a) * 'a Lwt.t * Store.remote_fn option
-> store

let from_config_file_with_defaults path (store, contents) config branch : store
let from_config_file_with_defaults path (store, hash, contents) config branch :
store =
let ( >>? ) x f = match x with Some x -> x | None -> f () in
let y = read_config_file path in
let string_value = function `String s -> s | _ -> raise Not_found in
let assoc name fn =
try Some (fn (List.assoc name y |> string_value)) with Not_found -> None
let store =
let contents =
match contents with
| None -> (
match assoc "contents" Contents.find with
| None -> !Contents.default
| Some c -> c )
| Some c -> Contents.find c
let store =
match store with
| None -> (
match assoc "store" Store.find with
| None -> !Store.default
| Some s -> s )
| Some s -> Store.find s
| None -> assoc "store" Store.find >>? fun () -> snd !Store.default
let contents =
match contents with
| Some c -> Contents.find c
| None ->
assoc "contents" Contents.find >>? fun () -> snd !Contents.default
store contents
match store with
| Variable_hash s ->
let hash : hash =
hash >>? fun () ->
assoc "hash" Hash.find >>? fun () -> snd !Hash.default
s hash contents
| Fixed_hash s -> (
(* error if a hash function has been passed *)
match (hash, assoc "hash" Hash.find) with
| None, None -> s contents
| _ ->
"Cannot customize the hash function for the given store" )
let config =
let root = assoc "root" (fun x -> x) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,14 +482,17 @@ type Irmin.remote += R of Cohttp.Header.t option * string
(* FIXME: this is a very crude heuristic to choose the remote
kind. Would be better to read the config file and look for remote
alias. *)
let infer_remote contents headers str =
let infer_remote hash contents headers str =
let hash = match hash with None -> snd !Hash.default | Some c -> c in
let contents =
match contents with None -> !Contents.default | Some c -> Contents.find c
match contents with
| None -> snd !Contents.default
| Some c -> Contents.find c
if Sys.file_exists str then
let r =
if Sys.file_exists (str / ".git") then Store.git contents
else Store.irf contents
else Store.irf hash contents
match r with
| Store.T ((module R), _) ->
Expand All @@ -358,4 +517,4 @@ let remote =
Arg.(required & pos 0 (some string) None & doc)
Term.(const infer_remote $ Contents.term $ headers $ repo)
Term.(const infer_remote $ Hash.term $ Contents.term $ headers $ repo)

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