Bug fix:
imageEditPlugin cause content bounce and original image size change (#1172 )
getFormatState() may throw exception in some case (#1181 , #1182 , #1194 )
Fix infinite loop when inserting a table and editor does not contain any element. (#1185 )
Table selection when and in the same row (#1202 )
Add parameter to ImageEdit plugin to still allow disable image side resize/crop/rotate functionalities (#1175 )
Provide a friendly error message when uiUtilities is not set to react plugin (#1176 )
Add a new experimental feature NormalizeList to list item not showing correctly in Win32 Outlook (#1190 )
Fix copy/cut safari (#1198 )
Keep start property and marker (if supported) when copying list from WordOnline (#1200 )
Graduate features:
ExperimentalFeatures.PasteWithLinkPreview (#1175 )
ExperimentalFeatures.SingleDirectionResize (#1175 )
ExperimentalFeatures.ImageRotate (#1175 )
ExperimentalFeatures.ImageCrop (#1175 )
Engineering improvement
Publish from release branch only (#1181 , #1184 , #1187 , #1188 )
Added testing for DragAndDropHelper and a parameter to force touch behaviour (#1180 )
Fix a build issue from fluentui (#1195 )
Interface changes
New exported table format API
getTableFormatInfo: Get the format info of a table
New experimental feature
NormalizeList: Normalize list to make sure it can be displayed correctly in other client
New properties of interface ElementBasedFormatState
tableFormat: Format of table, if there is table at cursor position
tableHasHeader: If there is a table, whether the table has header row
New properties of interface ImageEditOptions
disableSideResize: Whether side resizing (single direction resizing) is disabled.
disableRotate: Whether image rotate is disabled.
disableCrop: Whether image crop is disabled.
New method of ImageEdit plugin
isOperationAllowed: Check if the given image edit operation is allowed by this pluign
You can’t perform that action at this time.