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Introduce reused_buffer_index_per_stream in allocation planner which …
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…will be reset after computing the reuse buffer for each stream (#19515)

### Description
<!-- Describe your changes. -->
Introduce reused_buffer_index_per_stream in allocation planner which
will be reset after computing the reuse buffer for each stream. So if a
NodeArg is an input of several Ops across different streams and reuses
other NodeArg, the reused NodeArg won't be involved when computing the
second stream's reuse plan.

### Motivation and Context
<!-- - Why is this change required? What problem does it solve?
- If it fixes an open issue, please link to the issue here. -->
This is to fix #19480,
which is a crash for the scenario mentioned above.


Co-authored-by: Lei Cao <[email protected]>
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2 people authored and tianleiwu committed Apr 3, 2024
1 parent a61add2 commit 36e84c2
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Showing 3 changed files with 91 additions and 21 deletions.
44 changes: 23 additions & 21 deletions onnxruntime/core/framework/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -182,7 +182,6 @@ class PlannerImpl {
// upstream_node_0 and upstream_node_1 are the immmediate upstream nodes of downstream_node
// upstream_node_2 is the immediate nodes ahead of downstream_node in the same logic stream
InlinedHashMap<onnxruntime::NodeIndex, InlinedHashSet<onnxruntime::NodeIndex>> dependence_graph_;
InlinedHashMap<onnxruntime::OrtValueIndex, InlinedHashSet<onnxruntime::NodeIndex>> value_consumer_map_;
InlinedHashMap<onnxruntime::OrtValueIndex, onnxruntime::NodeIndex> value_node_map_;

// OrtValueInfo: Auxiliary information about an OrtValue used only during plan-generation:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,7 +294,7 @@ class PlannerImpl {

// Find if there exists some input tensor that we can use in-place for output_arg_num-th input in the node.
// Find if there exists some input tensor that we can use in-place for output_arg_num-th output in the node.
bool FindReusableInput(const onnxruntime::Node& node, int output_arg_num, OrtValueIndex* reusable_input,
bool* is_strided_tensor) {
*is_strided_tensor = false;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -530,6 +529,7 @@ class PlannerImpl {

// Initialize allocation plan:
for (int i = 0; static_cast<size_t>(i) < num_ml_values; i++) AllocPlan(i).reused_buffer = i;

bool HasExternalOutputs(const Node& node) const {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1065,7 +1065,8 @@ class PlannerImpl {

// build the consumer list for each value
int num_ml_values = ort_value_name_idx_map_.MaxIdx() + 1;
InlinedHashMap<onnxruntime::OrtValueIndex, InlinedHashSet<onnxruntime::NodeIndex>> value_consumer_map;

// iterate each stream from back, so the first element is the last consumer in single stream case
for (auto& stream : stream_nodes_) {
Expand All @@ -1078,10 +1079,10 @@ class PlannerImpl {
const auto& name = input.Name();
int value_idx;
ORT_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ort_value_name_idx_map_.GetIdx(name, value_idx));
auto origin = Buffer(value_idx);
if (origin != -1 && plan_.allocation_plan[origin].alloc_kind == AllocKind::kAllocate) {
auto origin = AllocPlan(value_idx).reused_buffer;
if (AllocPlan(origin).alloc_kind == AllocKind::kAllocate) {
// add current node as consumer for origin buffer
return Status::OK();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1138,8 +1139,8 @@ class PlannerImpl {
std::cout << p_input_arg->Name() << " reused by " << p_output_arg->Name() << " as input" << std::endl;
allocation_plan[output_idx_global].alloc_kind = AllocKind::kReuse;
allocation_plan[output_idx_global].reused_buffer = reusable_input;
found_reusable = true;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1168,8 +1169,8 @@ class PlannerImpl {
allocation_plan[reusable_input].alloc_kind == AllocKind::kAllocate) {
allocation_plan[output_idx_global].alloc_kind = AllocKind::kReuse;
allocation_plan[output_idx_global].reused_buffer = reusable_input;
} // if
Expand All @@ -1187,11 +1188,11 @@ class PlannerImpl {
OrtValueIndex input_arg_index{};
if (value_map.GetIdx(p_input_arg->Name(), input_arg_index).IsOK() &&
allocation_plan[input_arg_index].alloc_kind == AllocKind::kAllocate) {
if (value_consumer_map_[input_arg_index].size() == 1 && SameSize(*p_input_arg, *p_output_arg)) {
if (value_consumer_map[input_arg_index].size() == 1 && SameSize(*p_input_arg, *p_output_arg)) {
allocation_plan[output_idx_global].alloc_kind = AllocKind::kReuse;
allocation_plan[output_idx_global].reused_buffer = input_arg_index;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1266,7 +1267,7 @@ class PlannerImpl {

bool all_covered = true;
for (auto consumer : value_consumer_map_[output_idx_global]) {
for (auto consumer : value_consumer_map[output_idx_global]) {
if (deps->find(consumer) == deps->end()) {
all_covered = false;
Expand All @@ -1277,9 +1278,9 @@ class PlannerImpl {
allocation_plan[downstream_value].reused_buffer = output_idx_global;
get_reused = true;
// add new consumer for the value to be reused
node_iter = size_iter->second.erase(node_iter);
if (size_iter->second.empty()) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1342,8 +1343,9 @@ class PlannerImpl {
for (size_t i = 0; i < stream_nodes_.size(); ++i) {
// compute use count first
// compute use count first. TODO(leca): call ComputeReuseCount() only once is enough!
for (int j = 0; static_cast<size_t>(j) < ort_value_info_.size(); j++) Buffer(j) = j;
#if !defined(ORT_MINIMAL_BUILD) && defined(ORT_MEMORY_PROFILE)
if (i == 0) {
for (auto ort_value_info : ort_value_info_) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1693,8 +1695,8 @@ class PlannerImpl {
const auto& name = input.Name();
int value_idx;
ORT_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ort_value_name_idx_map_.GetIdx(name, value_idx));
auto origin = Buffer(value_idx);
if (origin != -1 && plan_.allocation_plan[origin].alloc_kind == AllocKind::kAllocate) {
auto origin = AllocPlan(value_idx).reused_buffer;
if (AllocPlan(origin).alloc_kind == AllocKind::kAllocate) {
// add current node as consumer for origin buffer
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1889,7 +1891,7 @@ class PlannerImpl {
// 2. the consumer is in the same stream(non-cpu device), but it consumes a CPU tensor from an non-shape op.
// for example, a resize cuda kernel consumer a tensor from MemCpyToHost cuda kernel on the same stream.
// in this case, the FIFO can't guarantee the cpu tensor is ready when resize kernel is launching
OrtDevice::DeviceType output_arg_device = plan_.allocation_plan[output_arg_idx].location.Type();
OrtDevice::DeviceType output_arg_device = AllocPlan(output_arg_idx).location.Type();
WaitNotificationFn wait_handle = stream_handle_registry.GetWaitHandle(stream_device, output_arg_device);
if ((node_stream_map_[it->Index()] != i || output_arg_device == OrtDevice::CPU) && wait_handle != nullptr) {
if (node_to_notification.find(node_index) == node_to_notification.end()) {
Expand Down
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions onnxruntime/test/framework/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1974,6 +1974,74 @@ TEST_F(PlannerTest, TestCpuIf) {
ASSERT_TRUE(exe_plan[1]->steps_[6]->ToString().substr(0, WaitOnEPStep.size()) == WaitOnEPStep);

// model looks like:
// |-----------> Gather
// |-----------> Gather
// |-----------> Gather
// |-----------> Gather
// Shape ----------------> Reshape --> Shape ------------------> Reshape
// ^ ^
// InstanceNormalization ----| InstanceNormalization ------|
// Python script to create this model:
// def CreateModelFor19480():
// #shape->reshape->shape->reshape, 4 gather
// graphNodes = []
// graphNodes.append(h.make_node('Shape', inputs=['shape_input'], outputs=['9']))
// graphNodes.append(h.make_node('InstanceNormalization', inputs=['in0_input', 'scale0', 'B0'], outputs=['8']))
// graphNodes.append(h.make_node('Reshape', inputs=['8', '9'], outputs=['Reshape15_output']))
// graphNodes.append(h.make_node('Shape', inputs=['Reshape15_output'], outputs=['281']))
// graphNodes.append(h.make_node('InstanceNormalization', inputs=['in1_input', 'scale1', 'B1'], outputs=['293']))
// graphNodes.append(h.make_node('Reshape', inputs=['293', '281'], outputs=['output0']))
// graphNodes.append(h.make_node('Gather', inputs=['281', 'indices1'], outputs=['output1']))
// graphNodes.append(h.make_node('Gather', inputs=['281', 'indices2'], outputs=['output2']))
// graphNodes.append(h.make_node('Gather', inputs=['281', 'indices3'], outputs=['output3']))
// graphNodes.append(h.make_node('Gather', inputs=['281', 'indices4'], outputs=['output4']))
// g = h.make_graph(graphNodes, 'issue_19480',
// [h.make_tensor_value_info('shape_input', tp.FLOAT, ['batch', 128, None, None]),
// h.make_tensor_value_info('in0_input', tp.FLOAT, ['batch', 32, None]),
// h.make_tensor_value_info('scale0', tp.FLOAT, [32]),
// h.make_tensor_value_info('B0', tp.FLOAT, [32]),
// h.make_tensor_value_info('in1_input', tp.FLOAT, ['batch', 32, None]),
// h.make_tensor_value_info('scale1', tp.FLOAT, [32]),
// h.make_tensor_value_info('B1', tp.FLOAT, [32]),
// h.make_tensor_value_info('indices1', tp.INT32, []),
// h.make_tensor_value_info('indices2', tp.INT32, []),
// h.make_tensor_value_info('indices3', tp.INT32, []),
// h.make_tensor_value_info('indices4', tp.INT32, [])],
// [h.make_tensor_value_info('output0', tp.FLOAT, None),
// h.make_tensor_value_info('output1', tp.INT64, None),
// h.make_tensor_value_info('output2', tp.INT64, None),
// h.make_tensor_value_info('output3', tp.INT64, None),
// h.make_tensor_value_info('output4', tp.INT64, None)])
// model = h.make_model(g, opset_imports=[h.make_operatorsetid("", 17)], producer_name='producer_name')
//, 'issue_19480.onnx')
TEST(AllocationPlannerTest, ReusedInputCrossDifferentStreams) {
SessionOptions sess_opt;
sess_opt.graph_optimization_level = TransformerLevel::Default;

InferenceSession sess(sess_opt, GetEnvironment(), ORT_TSTR("./testdata/multi_stream_models/issue_19480.onnx"));
auto status = sess.RegisterExecutionProvider(DefaultCudaExecutionProvider());
status = sess.Load();
status = sess.Initialize();
ASSERT_TRUE(status.IsOK()) << "No crash";
const SequentialExecutionPlan* plan = sess.GetSessionState().GetExecutionPlan();
ASSERT_EQ(plan->allocation_plan[14].alloc_kind, AllocKind::kReuse) << "The input of reshape and gather will reuse the output of shape";

int gather_count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < plan->execution_plan[1]->steps_.size(); i++) {
if (strstr(typeid(*(plan->execution_plan[1]->steps_[i])).name(), "LaunchKernelStep")) {
const Node* node = sess.GetSessionState().GetGraphViewer().GetNode(plan->execution_plan[1]->steps_[i]->GetNodeIndex());
if (node->OpType() == "Gather")
FAIL() << "CPU stream should contain only gather ops";
ASSERT_EQ(gather_count, 4) << "4 gather ops are all placed in CPU stream";
} // namespace test
} // namespace onnxruntime
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