#2430 [BUG] Type signature for stopTrackEvent is incorrect
#2442 [BUG] [Snippet] Unhandled exceptions are reported twice
#2470 [BUG] @microsoft/applicationinsights-channel-js lacks a proper repository URL
#2467 [BUG] The regex used to parse the stack trace appears to be skipping anonymous lines
This fixes the portal missing stack frames which are from anonymous functions due to missed parsing of stack frames with unexpected formatting.
#2458 URGENT ACTION: Stop using az416426.vo.msecnd.net
#2428 [main] [snippet] Integrate 1DS with AI Snippet Generation
#2443 Update Stale Issue action
#2445 [main] snippet generation fix for pr #2428
#2446 [main] eliminate warning raised by tsdoc
#2447 [main] [debug plugin] upgrade manifast to v3
#2450 [main][doc] Type signature for stopTrackEvent is incorrect #2430
#2448 [main] fix tsdoc error for param and type tag
#2452 [main][fix] rush fix
#2459 [Main][Task]30499129: Turn on CDN Deprecation Message with Sampling Rate with 10% Each Day
#2460 [ThrottleMgr] Turn on Test CDN Deprecation Message with Sampling Rate with 100% Each Day
#2461 Update config version to 1.0.1
#2463 [main][cfgsync] update test based on new config setting
#2462 [main][debug tool] fix the way of calling chrome storage and add new url
#2464 Update Code Owners
#2465 [main][debug tool] enable check compressed data
#2468 [Main][Task]31041354: Increase CDN Deprecation Message Sampling Rate to 20%
#2471 [Main][Task]31111291: Fix Repo links in package.json
#2455 [main] fix rush warning message
#2473 Update rush version
What's Changed
- [main] [snippet] Integrate 1DS with AI Snippet Generation by @siyuniu-ms in #2428
- Update Stale Issue action by @MSNev in #2443
- Update (fix) stale issue action by @MSNev in #2444
- [main] snippet generation fix for pr #2428 by @siyuniu-ms in #2445
- [main] eliminate warning raised by tsdoc by @siyuniu-ms in #2446
- [main] [debug plugin] upgrade manifast to v3 by @siyuniu-ms in #2447
- [main][doc] Type signature for stopTrackEvent is incorrect #2430 by @siyuniu-ms in #2450
- [main] fix tsdoc error for param and type tag by @siyuniu-ms in #2448
- [main][fix] rush fix by @siyuniu-ms in #2452
- [Main][Task]30499129: Turn on CDN Deprecation Message with Sampling Rate with 10% Each Day by @Karlie-777 in #2459
- URGENT ACTION: Stop using az416426.vo.msecnd.net #2457 by @MSNev in #2458
- [ThrottleMgr] Turn on Test CDN Deprecation Message with Sampling Rate with 100% Each Day by @Karlie-777 in #2460
- Update config version to 1.0.1 by @MSNev in #2461
- [main][cfgsync] update test based on new config setting by @siyuniu-ms in #2463
- [main][debug tool] fix the way of calling chrome storage and add new url by @siyuniu-ms in #2462
- Update Code Owners by @MSNev in #2464
- Update CODEOWNERS by @MSNev in #2466
- [main][debug tool] enable check compressed data by @siyuniu-ms in #2465
- [Main][Task]31041354: Increase CDN Deprecation Message Sampling Rate to 20% by @Karlie-777 in #2468
- [Main][Task]31111291: Fix Repo links in package.json by @Karlie-777 in #2471
- [BUG] The regex used to parse the stack trace appears to be skipping anonymous lines #2467 by @MSNev in #2472
- [main] fix rush warning message by @siyuniu-ms in #2455
- Update rush version by @MSNev in #2473
- [Main][Task]31194802: Fix Duplicated Exception Telemetry Issue When Both Snippet and Analytics Plugin hook onerror by @Karlie-777 in #2474
- [Release] Increase version to 3.3.5 by @MSNev in #2475
Full Changelog: 3.3.4...3.3.5