Releases: microsoft/ApplicationInsights-JS
#2481 [Main][Task]31338239: Add Config to allow excluding the configuration endpoints from being reported
#2486 Minification improvements
What's Changed
- Address CodeQL issues by @MSNev in #2478
- Fix jekyll gh pages action which was broken by the rush update by @MSNev in #2479
- [Main][Task]31338239: Add Config to allow excluding the configuration endpoints from being reported by @Karlie-777 in #2481
- [Main][Task]31454796: Increase CDN Deprecation Message Sampling Rate to 30% by @Karlie-777 in #2482
- [Main][Task]31454796: Increase CDN Deprecation Message Sampling Rate to 30% by @Karlie-777 in #2483
- Minification improvements by @MSNev in #2486
- [Release] Increase version to 3.3.6 by @Karlie-777 in #2487
Full Changelog: 3.3.5...3.3.6
#2430 [BUG] Type signature for stopTrackEvent is incorrect
#2442 [BUG] [Snippet] Unhandled exceptions are reported twice
#2470 [BUG] @microsoft/applicationinsights-channel-js lacks a proper repository URL
#2467 [BUG] The regex used to parse the stack trace appears to be skipping anonymous lines
This fixes the portal missing stack frames which are from anonymous functions due to missed parsing of stack frames with unexpected formatting.
#2458 URGENT ACTION: Stop using
#2428 [main] [snippet] Integrate 1DS with AI Snippet Generation
#2443 Update Stale Issue action
#2445 [main] snippet generation fix for pr #2428
#2446 [main] eliminate warning raised by tsdoc
#2447 [main] [debug plugin] upgrade manifast to v3
#2450 [main][doc] Type signature for stopTrackEvent is incorrect #2430
#2448 [main] fix tsdoc error for param and type tag
#2452 [main][fix] rush fix
#2459 [Main][Task]30499129: Turn on CDN Deprecation Message with Sampling Rate with 10% Each Day
#2460 [ThrottleMgr] Turn on Test CDN Deprecation Message with Sampling Rate with 100% Each Day
#2461 Update config version to 1.0.1
#2463 [main][cfgsync] update test based on new config setting
#2462 [main][debug tool] fix the way of calling chrome storage and add new url
#2464 Update Code Owners
#2465 [main][debug tool] enable check compressed data
#2468 [Main][Task]31041354: Increase CDN Deprecation Message Sampling Rate to 20%
#2471 [Main][Task]31111291: Fix Repo links in package.json
#2455 [main] fix rush warning message
#2473 Update rush version
What's Changed
- [main] [snippet] Integrate 1DS with AI Snippet Generation by @siyuniu-ms in #2428
- Update Stale Issue action by @MSNev in #2443
- Update (fix) stale issue action by @MSNev in #2444
- [main] snippet generation fix for pr #2428 by @siyuniu-ms in #2445
- [main] eliminate warning raised by tsdoc by @siyuniu-ms in #2446
- [main] [debug plugin] upgrade manifast to v3 by @siyuniu-ms in #2447
- [main][doc] Type signature for stopTrackEvent is incorrect #2430 by @siyuniu-ms in #2450
- [main] fix tsdoc error for param and type tag by @siyuniu-ms in #2448
- [main][fix] rush fix by @siyuniu-ms in #2452
- [Main][Task]30499129: Turn on CDN Deprecation Message with Sampling Rate with 10% Each Day by @Karlie-777 in #2459
- URGENT ACTION: Stop using #2457 by @MSNev in #2458
- [ThrottleMgr] Turn on Test CDN Deprecation Message with Sampling Rate with 100% Each Day by @Karlie-777 in #2460
- Update config version to 1.0.1 by @MSNev in #2461
- [main][cfgsync] update test based on new config setting by @siyuniu-ms in #2463
- [main][debug tool] fix the way of calling chrome storage and add new url by @siyuniu-ms in #2462
- Update Code Owners by @MSNev in #2464
- Update CODEOWNERS by @MSNev in #2466
- [main][debug tool] enable check compressed data by @siyuniu-ms in #2465
- [Main][Task]31041354: Increase CDN Deprecation Message Sampling Rate to 20% by @Karlie-777 in #2468
- [Main][Task]31111291: Fix Repo links in package.json by @Karlie-777 in #2471
- [BUG] The regex used to parse the stack trace appears to be skipping anonymous lines #2467 by @MSNev in #2472
- [main] fix rush warning message by @siyuniu-ms in #2455
- Update rush version by @MSNev in #2473
- [Main][Task]31194802: Fix Duplicated Exception Telemetry Issue When Both Snippet and Analytics Plugin hook onerror by @Karlie-777 in #2474
- [Release] Increase version to 3.3.5 by @MSNev in #2475
Full Changelog: 3.3.4...3.3.5
#2426 [Main][Task]29626594: PerfManager Should be Created without Customized CreatePerfMgr Function
#2421 [Main]: Make file size checks flexible for nightly/dev builds
#2434 [Main][Task]29884493: Add a Function to Export Offline Listener From Sender
#2437 [Main][Task]29519727: Better Handle Sender Dynamic Changes
#2438 [Main][Task]29445623: Update CfgSync Config Readme
#2439 [BUG] Sourcemap load errors in debugger from dependencies
#2429 Readme - Remove double negative
What's Changed
- [Main][Task]29626594: PerfManager Should be Created without Customized CreatePerfMgr Function by @Karlie-777 in #2426
- Readme - Remove double negative by @rossgrambo in #2429
- [Main][Task]29884493: Add a Function to Export Offline Listener From Sender by @Karlie-777 in #2434
- [Main][Task]29519727: Better Handle Sender Dynamic Changes by @Karlie-777 in #2437
- [Main][Task]29445623: Update CfgSync Config Readme by @Karlie-777 in #2438
- [BUG] Sourcemap load errors in debugger from dependencies #2424 by @MSNev in #2439
- [Main] [Release] Increase version to 3.3.4 by @Karlie-777 in #2441
New Contributors
- @rossgrambo made their first contribution in #2429
Full Changelog: 3.3.2...3.3.4
#2401 [Main][Task]28966399: Separate critical events and non-critical events for Offline Support
Note: New Config splitEvts is added to Offline Channel Config. By enabling it, offline events will be batched and saved separately based on persistence level
#2413 [Main][Task] 29445638: Fix Promise Initialization Sender Config Issue
Note: the issue #2414 is resolved
#2416 [Main][Task]29519574: Update AISKU Light to better handle Init Promise
#2418 [Main][Task]29465842: Update Promise Initialization Post Channel
#2404 [main] fix expCfg to be optional
#2407 [main] Custom Trusted Type Policy Support for Snippet Script Injection
#2409 [main] Trusted Type Policy Support for nounce tag
What's Changed
- [Main][Task]28736784: Update Cfg Cdn Release Scripts for Nightly Build by @Karlie-777 in #2406
- [Main][Task]28736784: Update the Config Used for Type Docs with Test Web Config Endpoint by @Karlie-777 in #2403
- [main] Custom Trusted Type Policy Support for Snippet Script Injection by @siyuniu-ms in #2407
- [Main][Task]28736784: Update Cfg CDN SetActive Scripts for Nightly Build by @Karlie-777 in #2408
- [Main][Task]28736784: Update Test Config sampling Rate and Day Interval by @Karlie-777 in #2411
- [main] enable auto doc generation by @siyuniu-ms in #2410
- [main] Trusted Type Policy Support for nounce tag by @siyuniu-ms in #2409
- [Main][Task]28736784: Update Test Config Month Interval and Day Interval by @Karlie-777 in #2412
- [Main][Task]28966399: Separate critical events and non-critical events for Offline Support by @Karlie-777 in #2401
- [Main][Task] 29445638: Fix Promise Initialization Sender Config Issue by @Karlie-777 in #2413
- [Main][Task]29519574: Update AISKU Light to better handle Init Promise by @Karlie-777 in #2416
- [Main][Task]29465842: Update Promise Initialization Post Channel Config by @Karlie-777 in #2418
- [main][doc] add document for how to fix type error in extensions by @siyuniu-ms in #2395
- [Main] [Release] Increase version to 3.3.3 by @Karlie-777 in #2417
- [Main]: Make file size checks flexible for nightly/dev builds by @MSNev in #2421
Full Changelog: 3.3.1...3.3.3
#2396 [Main] Update generated typedoc documentation
#2397[Main] Change tslib peerDependency from "*" to open range
#2391 [Main] enhance exception telemetry with customer log Information
Note: Config expCfg is moved from IConfig to IConfiguration(this change is going to cause the TypeScript type error).
What's Changed
- [main] (type change!) enhance exception telemetry with customer log Information by @siyuniu-ms in #2391
- [Main] Update generated typedoc documentation by @MSNev in #2396
- [Main] Change tslib peerDependency from "*" to open range by @MSNev in #2397
- [Main] [Release] Increase version to 3.3.2 by @Karlie-777 in #2400
- [main] fix expCfg to be optional by @siyuniu-ms in #2404
- [main] turn on exception log for doc by @siyuniu-ms in #2405
Full Changelog: 3.3.1...3.3.2
#2379 [Main][Task]28644993: Update Online Sender Status Code Check with Offline Mode
#2380 [Main][Task]28751664: Fix Offline Circular Dependency
#2386 [Main][Task]28846327: Fix Offline Default Max in Storage Time to 7 Days
- Note: Offline plugin (
) defaultinStorageMaxTime
is set to 604800000ms (around 7days), it was 10080000ms (around 2.8 hours)
#2387 [Main][Task]27760339: Typedoc is not including ILoadedPlugin
#2381 [Main] [CDN Publishing] Cleanup AzureRM scripts from AI and 1DS
#2377 Fix Nightly Size Tests
#2389 [main] fix AI Basic Sku by exporting proxy function
#2373 add withCredentials config
#2388 [main] enhance exception telemetry with optional script Information
- !! New config
is available to provide more details of exception telemetry. See more details here
What's Changed
- [main][snippet] remove the snippet dependency on web package by @siyuniu-ms in #2374
- [snippet] upgrade to 1.2.1 by @siyuniu-ms in #2375
- [main] add withCredentials config by @siyuniu-ms in #2373
- [Main]Fix Nightly Size Tests by @Karlie-777 in #2377
- [Main][Task]28644993: Update Online Sender Status Code Check with Offline Mode by @Karlie-777 in #2379
- [Main][Task]28751664: Fix Offline Circular Dependency by @Karlie-777 in #2380
- [Main] [CDN Publishing] Cleanup AzureRM scripts from AI and 1DS by @MSNev in #2381
- [Main][Task]27176994: Update the Config Used for Type Docs with iKey and Beta Web Config Endpoint by @Karlie-777 in #2385
- [Main][Task]28846327: Fix Offline Default Max in Storage Time to 7 Days by @Karlie-777 in #2386
- [Main][Task]27760339: Typedoc is not including ILoadedPlugin by @Karlie-777 in #2387
- [main] enhance exception telemetry with optional script Information by @siyuniu-ms in #2388
- [main] fix AI Basic Sku by exporting proxy function #2384 by @siyuniu-ms in #2389
- [main][doc] add more doc for exception telemetry by @siyuniu-ms in #2390
- [Main] [Release] Increase version to 3.3.1 by @Karlie-777 in #2392
- Bump @microsoft/rush from 5.129.6 to 5.131.0 by @Karlie-777 in #2393
- Change @microsoft/rush from 5.131.0 to 5.130.3 by @Karlie-777 in #2394
Full Changelog: 3.3.0...3.3.1
Potential breaking change
This release contains a potential break change due to enhancing the definition of the IConfiguration to support Promise types for the connectionString, instrumentationKey and endpointURL; any extension that relies on these base interfaces will VERY likely cause TypeScript to fail with potential warnings about the types being different.
#2371 Bump @microsoft/rush from 5.97.1 to 5.129.6
#2340 [Main][Task]27939476: Initialization with iKey and endpoint to be promises
!! potential breaking changes. IConfiguration support Promise types for the connectionString, instrumentationKey and endpointURL
#2366 [Sdk Loader] Increase version to 1.2.0
#2367 [main] update the way to generate ajax perforamance mark prefix
What's Changed
- [main] create snippet mini loader by @siyuniu-ms in #2339
- [main] update ignoreHeaders doc for #2336 by @siyuniu-ms in #2345
- [main] update script for uploading images by @siyuniu-ms in #2334
- [main][snippet] prepare new snippet release, add support for more config by @siyuniu-ms in #2365
- [Main] [Release] [Sdk Loader] Increase version to 1.2.0 by @siyuniu-ms in #2366
- [Main][Task]27939476: Initialization with iKey and endpoint to be promises by @Karlie-777 in #2340
- [main] update the way to generate ajax perforamance mark prefix by @siyuniu-ms in #2367
- Bump @microsoft/rush from 5.97.1 to 5.129.6 by @MSNev in #2371
- [Main] [Release] Increase version to 3.3.0 by @Karlie-777 in #2372
Full Changelog: 3.2.2...3.3.0
#2356 [Main][Task]27488189: Modify offline support enums for isolated mode
#2357 [Main][Task]28050373: Expose Offline Support SendNextBatch function
#2358 [Main][Task]27080650: Initialization Should Handle Offline Support Dependency
#2362 [Main]Publishing: Add support for Az Modules instead of AzureRM Modules
#2360 set script attribut to avoid race condition when multiple sdks are inited
What's Changed
- [Main][Task]27488189: Modify offline support enums for isolated mode by @Karlie-777 in #2356
- [Main][Task] 28050373: Expose Offline Support SendNextBatch function by @Karlie-777 in #2357
- Publishing: Add support for Az Modules instead of AzureRM Modules by @MSNev in #2362
- [Main][Task]27080650: Initialization Should Handle Offline Support Dependency by @Karlie-777 in #2358
- [main] set script attribut to avoid race condition when multiple sdks are inited #2355 by @siyuniu-ms in #2360
- [Main] [Release] Increase version to 3.2.2 by @Karlie-777 in #2363
Full Changelog: 3.2.1...3.2.2
#2333 [Main][Task]27749889: Change AISKU Sync Mode to Receive
#2335 [Main][Task]27681441: Fix async tests for MsAzure Migration
#2338 [Main][Task]27923018: Post Channel getOfflineSupport should set correct headers and url based on payload data
#2342 [Main][Task]27923018: 1ds post getOffline support url fix
What's Changed
- [Main][Task]27923018: Post Channel getOfflineSupport should set correct headers and url based on payload data by @Karlie-777 in #2338
- [Main][Task]27923018: 1ds post getOffline support url fix by @Karlie-777 in #2342
- [Main] [Release] Increase version to 3.2.1 by @Karlie-777 in #2343
Full Changelog: 3.2.0...3.2.1
CfgSync Plugin and Throttle Manager are turned on by default.
#2317 Turn on Ikey depreciation message with sampling rate 0.0001%
#2300 Add all CfgSync plugin exports to AISKU and change the default CfgSync plugin url endpoint
#2325 Change default CfgSync values to turn on the ikey deprecation message
#2324 Add a max retry count for Sender
#2321 Set default request headers content-type for 1ds to x-json-stream only
#2331 Reset the version number for DataCacheHelper
#2332 Change nonOverrideCfgs to be added only during initialization
#2294 Implement Osplugin, extracting windows 11 info and put into telemetry
What's Changed
- [Main][Task]27365739: Turn on Ikey depreciation message with sampling rate 0.0001% by @Karlie-777 in #2317
- [Main][Task]27402374: Fix config release script overwrite flag and cache time by @Karlie-777 in #2319
- [Main][Task]27157764: Add all CfgSync plugin exports to AISKU and change the default CfgSync plugin url endpoint by @Karlie-777 in #2300
- [Main][Task]27402277: Default request headers content-type for 1ds should be x-json-stream only by @Karlie-777 in #2321
- [main] implement Osplugin, extracting windows 11 info and put into telemetry by @siyuniu-ms in #2294
- [Main][Task]25716927: Change default CfgSync values to turn on the ikey deprecation message by @Karlie-777 in #2325
- [Main][Task]27079894: Add a max retry count for Sender by @Karlie-777 in #2324
- [Main][Task]27681441: Fix test for MsAzure pipeline by @Karlie-777 in #2327
- [Main][Task]27681441: Fix async tests for MsAzure Migration by @Karlie-777 in #2328
- Reset the version number for DataCacheHelper by @MSNev in #2331
- [Main][Task]27742145: Change nonOverrideCfgs to be added only during initialization by @Karlie-777 in #2332
Full Changelog: 3.1.2...3.2.0