Use nswtopo to create vector topographic maps of NSW and other states. Various commands allow you to initialise your map, add layers and render outputs in a number of formats. Pre-designed map layers download topographic data from internet maps servers and local sources.
Help screens are available describing usage for each commands. Use the --help
option with the command:
$ nswtopo init --help
Most commands need a map file to work on. Name this file anything you want. A .tgz
extension is suggested, as the file is in gzipped tar archive format. All map contents are contained within the file.
A typical map creation sequence might look as follows. We initialise the map from a bounds file, add several layers and finally produce an output SVG:
$ nswtopo init -b bounds.kml map.tgz
scale: 1:25000
dimensions: 433mm × 509mm
extent: 10.8km × 12.7km
area: 138.0km²
rotation: 0.0°
$ nswtopo add map.tgz nsw/vegetation-spot5
nswtopo: added layer: nsw.vegetation-spot5
$ nswtopo add map.tgz nsw/topographic
nswtopo: added layer: nsw.topographic.plantation-horticulture
nswtopo: added layer: nsw.topographic.urban-areas
nswtopo: added layer:
$ nswtopo declination map.tgz
nswtopo: added layer: declination
$ nswtopo add map.tgz controls.gpx
nswtopo: added layer: controls
$ nswtopo relief map.tgz
nswtopo: added layer: relief
$ nswtopo contours -i 5 -x 50 --replace nsw.topographic.contours map.tgz
nswtopo: added layer: contours
$ nswtopo render map.tgz svg
nswtopo: created map.svg