Use the inspect command to examine ArcGIS REST endpoints and local GIS data.
List all the layers in an ArcGIS map or feature service as follows:
$ nswtopo inspect
├─ 0: HydroPoint
├─ 1: AncillaryHydroPoint
├─ 2: NamedWatercourse
├─ 3: FuzzyExtentWaterLine
├─ 4: Coastline
├─ 5: HydroLine
├─ 6: HydroArea
└─ 7: FuzzyExtentWaterArea
List the fields for a layer using the layer URL, or with the --layer
or --id
option. The layer's fields and their types will be listed:
$ nswtopo inspect
name: HydroArea
id: 6
geometry: Polygon
├─ attributereliabilitydate: Date
├─ capturemethodcode: SmallInteger
│ ...
├─ urbanity: String
└─ verticalaccuracy: Single
Use the --fields
option to inspect values and counts for one or more fields:
$ nswtopo inspect --fields classsubtype,hydrotype
classsubtype │ 447690 │ 1
hydrotype │ 9070 │ ├─ 1
hydrotype │ 438620 │ └─ 2
classsubtype │ 20084 │ 2
hydrotype │ 19849 │ ├─ 1
hydrotype │ 235 │ └─ 2
Field names and all possible values are shown, with counts for each combination of values. In this case, the values are coded values. Use --decode
to decode them:
$ nswtopo inspect --fields classsubtype,hydrotype --decode
classsubtype │ 447690 │ WaterbodyArea
hydrotype │ 438620 │ ├─ ManMadeWaterBody
hydrotype │ 9070 │ └─ NaturalWaterBody
classsubtype │ 20084 │ Watercourse
hydrotype │ 235 │ ├─ Canal-Drain
hydrotype │ 19849 │ └─ NaturalWatercourse
List all coded value conversions for a layer with the --codes
$ nswtopo inspect --codes
├─ 0 → NotApplicable
├─ 1 → Perennial
├─ 2 → NonPerennial
└─ 3 → MainlyDry
├─ 1 → WaterbodyArea
│ └─ hydrotype:
│ ├─ 1 → NaturalWaterBody
│ └─ 2 → ManMadeWaterBody
└─ 2 → Watercourse
└─ hydrotype:
├─ 1 → NaturalWatercourse
└─ 2 → Canal-Drain
Use the --where
option to restrict output using a SQL expression on the fields.
Any OGR-readable data can likewise be examined using the inspect
command. For example, to list layers contained in a spatialite file:
$ nswtopo inspect nsw.sqlite
├─ cableway (LineString)
├─ electricitytransissionline (LineString)
├─ railway (LineString)
└─ trafficcontroldevice (Point)
To list field values for a layer:
$ nswtopo inspect nsw.sqlite --layer cableway --fields classsubtype
classsubtype │ 4 │ CableCar
classsubtype │ 19 │ FlyingFox
classsubtype │ 58 │ SkiLift